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SCOOP - 如何讓工作人員在繼續之前等待根工作人員

[英]SCOOP - How to make workers wait for root worker before continuing

我在工作中使用 SCOOP(和 Python 3.6 - 無法更新)。 我需要所有工作人員執行計算,然后等待根節點執行緩慢的計算( if __name__ == '__main__':中的代碼),然后使用根節點計算產生的 dataframe 執行另一次計算。

我的問題是 SCOOP 立即啟動所有工作人員,他們嘗試異步運行if __name__ == '__main__':之外的所有代碼,即使它在if塊下方。 由於還沒有 dataframe,他們拋出一個錯誤。

什么命令可以強制所有worker等待root worker完成一次計算,然后再繼續運行代碼rest?

我曾嘗試使用scoop.futures.mapscoop.futures.supplymultiprocessing.managers進行試驗,但均未成功。 我也嘗試過使用multiprocessing.Barrier(8).wait()但它不起作用。



import pandas as pd
import genetic_algorithm
from scoop import futures

df = pd.read_csv('database.csv') # dataframe is to large to be passed to fitness_function for every worker. I want every worker to have a copy of it!

if __name__ == '__main__':
    df = add_new_columns(df) # heavy computation which I just want to perform once (not by all workers)

df = computation_using_new_columns(df) # <--- !!! error - is executed before slow add_new_columns(df) finishes

def fitness_function(): ... # all workers use fitness_function() and an error is thrown if I put it inside the if __name__ == '__main__':

if __name__ == '__main__':
    results = list(futures.map(genetic_algorithm, df))

並使用python3 -m scoop script.py執行腳本,它會立即啟動所有工作人員...

每個進程都有自己的memory空間,在主進程中修改dataframe不會影響到worker,需要在處理后使用某種初始化器將其傳遞給worker,這在主進程中似乎不可用SCOOP 框架,一個更靈活(但稍微復雜)的工具是 python 的內置multiprocessing.Pool模塊。

import pandas as pd
import genetic_algorithm
from multiprocessing import Pool

def fitness_function(): ...

def initializer_func(df_from_parent):
    global df
    df = df_from_parent
    df = computation_using_new_columns(df)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    df = pd.read_csv(
    # read the df in the main process only as it needs to be modified
    # before sending it to the workers

    df = add_new_columns(df)  # modify the df in the main process
    # create as much workers as your cpu cores, and passes the df to them, and have each worker
    # execute the computation_using_new_columns on it
    with Pool(initializer=initializer_func, initargs=(df,)) as pool:
        results = list(pool.imap(genetic_algorithm, df))  # now do your function

如果computation_using_new_columns需要在每個 worker 中執行,那么你可以將它保留在初始化程序中,但如果它只需要執行一次,那么你可以將它放在add_new_columns之后的if __name__ == "__main__"中。


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