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[英]Passing a range of columns as a constant parameter

我正在嘗試將一系列列作為 function 的參數傳遞。

For sr = 1 To srCount 
    If IsEmpty(Data(sr, 4)) Then
        dr = dr + 1
        Data(dr, 4) = Data(sr, 1) 'instead of just the first column, a range of columns
    End If
Next sr

我以為我可以定義一個范圍(“A:C”)並將其引用作為參數傳遞,但 VBA 似乎只接受(引用)長變量/常量作為 Data() function 的參數。什么這種事情的正確語法是什么?

編輯 01/26 以澄清: Data是一個數組。 目標是根據該行中的另一個單元格為空的條件 ( If IsEmpty(Data(sr, 4)) ) 復制一系列列中的一行。 例如,如果單元格 (7,4) 為空,則應將 AC 列的第 7 行復制到工作表的另一個區域 (K2:M2)。 如果 (13,4) 為空,則為第 13 行,列 AC 到 K3-M3,依此類推。

根據@Cameron 的提示,我使用 Collections 來存儲范圍。

Dim users As New Collection
Dim cell As Range

With Worksheets(2) 
    users.Add .Range("A:C"), "Users"    
    users.Add .Range("K:M"), "FinalList"

End With

For Each cell In users.Item("Users")
   For sr = 1 to srCount
    If IsEmpty(Data(sr, 4)) Then
        dr = dr + 1
        FinalList = Users

    End If
Next sr

盡管進行了研究,但我找不到如何為此目標操縱 Collections。 一旦我將所有必要的值存儲在 FinalList 中,我如何將它們復制到目標范圍(“K:M”)?


Option Explicit

Sub Test()
    Const SRC_CRITERIA_COLUMN As Long = 4
    Const DST_WORKSHEET_ID As Variant = 2 ' using the tab name is preferable!
    Const DST_FIRST_CELL As String = "K2"
    ' The following could be calculated from the source variables.
    Const DST_COLUMNS_COUNT As Long = 3
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
    ' whatever...
    Dim Data() ' ?
    Dim srCount As Long ' ?
    ' whatever...
    Dim sr As Long, dr As Long, c As Long
    ' Write the matching values to the top of the array
    ' When using a single array, the result needs to be in the top-left
    ' of the array. The data of interest is already left-most
    ' so there is no column offset.
    For sr = 1 To srCount
        If IsEmpty(Data(sr, SRC_CRITERIA_COLUMN)) Then
            dr = dr + 1
            For c = 1 To DST_COLUMNS_COUNT
                Data(dr, c) = Data(sr, c)
            Next c
        End If
    Next sr

    ' Reference the destination range.
    Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(DST_WORKSHEET_ID)
    Dim dfCell As Range: Set dfCell = dws.Range(DST_FIRST_CELL)
    ' Note how you're using just the 'dr' number of rows
    ' and 'DST_COLUMNS_COUNT' number of columns.
    Dim drg As Range: Set drg = dfCell.Resize(dr, DST_COLUMNS_COUNT)
    ' Write the result from the top-left of the array to the destination range.
    drg.Value = Data
    ' Clear below.
    drg.Resize(dws.Rows.Count - drg.Row - dr + 1).Offset(dr).ClearContents

    MsgBox "Data copied.", vbInformation

End Sub


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