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R shiny datatable scrollX 影響表格寬度

[英]R shiny datatable scrollX impacts table width

請使用以下示例來顯示我的 R shiny 應用程序面臨的布局問題。 示例應該是完全可重現的:

ui <- dashboardPage(  
  title = "Dashboard test",  # this is the name of the tab in Chrome browserr
  dashboardHeader(title = "Web Portal"),

      menuItem('Retail', tabName = "retail", icon = icon("th"),
               menuItem('Dashboard', tabName = 'retail_dashboard'))

      tabItem(tabName = "retail_dashboard",
              tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
                                                   dataTableOutput("table_test1", width = '100%')),
                                                   dataTableOutput("table_test2", width = '100%'))

server <- function(input, output, session) {    
  output$table_test1 <- renderDataTable({
    df <- data.frame(BUCKET=c("1","2"), ITEM=c(48,53), VALUE = c(7.88, 5.12), stringsAsFactors = F)
              rownames= F,
              #colnames = colnames_var,
              filter = 'none',
              extensions = 'Buttons', 
              caption = NULL,
              options = list(scrollX = T
                             #, headerCallback = js_col_header   # this is to show/hide column headers
                             , lengthChange = T
                             #, pagingType = "numbers"  # this hides the Next and Previous buttons -->  https://datatables.net/reference/option/pagingType
                             , paging = T    # this completely hides  the Next, Previous and Page number at the bottom of the table
                             , autoWidth = T
                             , pageLength = 5 # this determines how many rows we want to see per page
                             , dom = 'Blfrtip'
                             , buttons = NULL
                             , info = T #  this will hide the "Showing 1 of 2..." at the bottom of the table -->  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51730816/remove-showing-1-to-n-of-n-entries-shiny-dt
                             , searching = T  # this removes the search box  ->  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35624413/remove-search-option-but-leave-search-columns-option
                             , ordering = F # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54318475/hide-the-column-names-in-dtdatatable    useful especially when we want to hide column names
  output$table_test2 <- renderDataTable({
    df <- data.frame(BUCKET=c("1","2"), ITEM=c(48,53), VALUE = c(7.88, 5.12), stringsAsFactors = F)
              rownames= F,
              #colnames = colnames_var,
              filter = 'none',
              extensions = 'Buttons', 
              caption = NULL,
              options = list(scrollX = F
                             #, headerCallback = js_col_header   # this is to show/hide column headers
                             , lengthChange = T
                             #, pagingType = "numbers"  # this hides the Next and Previous buttons -->  https://datatables.net/reference/option/pagingType
                             , paging = T    # this completely hides  the Next, Previous and Page number at the bottom of the table
                             , autoWidth = T
                             , pageLength = 5 # this determines how many rows we want to see per page
                             , dom = 'Blfrtip'
                             , buttons = NULL
                             , info = T #  this will hide the "Showing 1 of 2..." at the bottom of the table -->  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51730816/remove-showing-1-to-n-of-n-entries-shiny-dt
                             , searching = T  # this removes the search box  ->  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35624413/remove-search-option-but-leave-search-columns-option
                             , ordering = F # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54318475/hide-the-column-names-in-dtdatatable    useful especially when we want to hide column names

cat("\nLaunching   'shinyApp' ....")
shinyApp(ui, server)

問題 1:如果我在大屏幕上打開這個應用程序,table_test2 會很好地占據屏幕的所有預期空間,完全在 3 列內。 然而,table_test1 沒有(見我的截圖)。 主要區別在於 table_test1 具有 scrollX =T,而 table_test2 具有 scrollX =F。 我怎樣才能保持 scrollX = T 和可視化 table_test1 的方式與可視化 table_test2 的方式相同(意思是,沒有空白的邊空間)? (見所附屏幕截圖中的紅色)

問題2:table_test1的alignment怎么有點亂,列名沒有和表列對齊? (見附件截圖中的藍色)

更改 scrollX 不是一個選項,因為某些用戶的屏幕較小,並且 scrollX =F 表不會在某些用戶的顯示器上正確顯示。 謝謝在此處輸入圖像描述


  data       = df,
  rownames   = FALSE,
  filter     = "none",
  extensions = "Buttons",
  caption    = NULL,
  options    = list(
    scrollX      = TRUE,
    lengthChange = TRUE,
    paging       = TRUE,
    pageLength   = 5,
    dom          = "Blfrtip",
    buttons      = NULL,
    info         = TRUE,
    searching    = TRUE,
    ordering     = FALSE 


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