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使用 fakeAPI 遍歷數組 promise function Vue.js

[英]Iterating through an array with a fakeAPI promise function Vue.js

 <template> <div class="hello"> <h1>Example 2</h1> <input @click="send" type="button" value="Send" /> <div class="out" v-if="successIds.length">{{ successIds }}</div> </div> </template> <script> /* @return resolve: { id: 1, success: true } or reject: { success: false } */ const fakeApiRequest = (id) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { const success = id % 2; success? resolve({ id, success }): reject({ success }); }, 2000); }); }; export default { data() { return { // Fetch ids ids: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], // Complete ids successIds: [], }; }, methods: { // iterating through the ids array newValues(id) { this.ids.forEach((el) => el.this.fakeApiRequest(id)); }, // filling the successIds array send(id) { this.$set(this, "successIds", this.newValues(id)); }, }, }; </script>

如何在 $set Vue 方法中使用 Promise function 使用現有數組的迭代元素填充和顯示模板中的 successId 數組? 我似乎無法嘗試訪問 newValues function 中的 fakeApiRequest。

我不確定您為什么認為需要使用$set方法。 它有明確的記錄用途,設置/替換數組不是一個。 除此之外,坦率地說,你的代碼有很多問題,你想做什么不是很清楚,但我盡力糾正了所有問題並留下了描述我的更改的評論。


  <div class="hello">
    <h1>Example 2</h1>
    <input type="button" value="Send" @click="send" />
    <div v-if="successIds.length" class="out">{{ successIds }}</div>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      // Fetch ids
      ids: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
      // Complete ids
      successIds: []
  methods: {
    // note 1: method loops through all ids so not sure what the 'id' param is for
    // note 2: calling other async methods requires we use 'async' and 'await' keywords
    async newValues(id) {
      // note 3: the code in this method before was non-sensical to me, e.g. "el.this.fakeApiRequest" isn't valid syntax
      // and the forEach loop didn't do anything with the actual result returned by fakeApiRequest.
      // note 4: forEach actually isn't designed for async code. Must use normal for loop
      const results = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < this.ids.length; i++) {
        let res = null;
        try {
          res = await this.fakeApiRequest(this.ids[i]);
        } catch (rejectVal) {
          res = rejectVal;
        console.log('res', res);
      return results;
    // note 5: not sure why id is a param as this method isn't called with any specific id
    async send(id) {
      // note 6: the use of $set before was unnecessary
      this.successIds = await this.newValues();
      resolve: { id: 1, success: true }
      reject: { success: false }
    // note 7: moved this here so it can be called by other methods. decreased timeout time for sanity's sake
    fakeApiRequest(id) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          const success = id % 2;
          success ? resolve({ id, success }) : reject({ success });
        }, 100);


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