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如何正確檢查 freemarker 中的 boolean 值

[英]How properly check boolean value in freemarker


<#if documentData.isOtherInsurance>
<p>&#10004 Да</p>
<#else> <p>&#10008;Нет </p></#if>


For "#if" condition: Expected a boolean, but this has evaluated to a method+sequence (wrapper: f.e.b.SimpleMethodModel):
==> documentData.isOtherInsurance!false  [in template "InsuranceNotification" at line 1, column 1445]

Tip: Maybe using obj.something instead of obj.isSomething will yield the desired value.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
    - Failed at: #if documentData.isOtherInsurance!false  [in template "InsuranceNotification" at line 1, column 1440]



<#if ${documentData.isOtherInsurance>} <p>&#10004 Да</p> ...
Syntax error in template "InsuranceNotification" in line 1, column 1445:
You can't use ${...} (an interpolation) here as you are already in FreeMarker-expression-mode. Thus, instead of ${myExpression}, just write myExpression. (${...} is only used where otherwise static text is expected, i.e., outside FreeMarker tags and interpolations, or inside string literals.)

正如錯誤消息所說, isOtherInsurance是一種方法,而不是boolean 嘗試documentData.otherInsurance (沒有“是”),這是 Java Bean 屬性boolean isOtherInsurance() Java 方法自動定義的。

請注意,有時開發人員會錯誤地將此類方法聲明為Boolean isOtherInsurance() (資本Boolean )。 然后他們應該將其更改為Boolean getOtherInsurance()boolean isOtherInsurance() 但如果他們不這樣做,您仍然可以使用documentData.isOtherInsurance() (請注意, ()將調用該方法,然后將使用該方法的返回值,而不是該方法本身)。


<#if documentData.isOtherInsurance> 
    <@displayRow label="isOtherInsurance" value="&#10004 Да" />
    <@displayRow label="isOtherInsurance" value="&#10008;Нет" />


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