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(續集)為什么我可以在不訪問 dataValues 屬性的情況下訪問 dataValues 中的屬性?

[英](Sequelize) Why i can access the property inside dataValues without accessing dataValues property?

為什么我可以在不訪問 dataValues 屬性的情況下訪問 dataValues 中的屬性?


const data = await Product.findAll({
    attributes: ['id', 'name', 'price', 'stock', 'sku']



  Product {
    dataValues: {
      id: 1,
      name: 'Samsung Galaxy A53',
      price: 5000000,
      stock: 100,
      sku: 'SM001'
    _previousDataValues: {
      id: 1,
      name: 'Samsung Galaxy A53',
      price: 5000000,
      stock: 100,
      sku: 'SM001'
    uniqno: 1,
    _changed: Set(0) {},
    _options: {
      isNewRecord: false,
      _schema: null,
      _schemaDelimiter: '',
      raw: true,
      attributes: [Array]
    isNewRecord: false
  Product {
    dataValues: {
      id: 2,
      name: 'Samsung Galaxy S22',
      price: 10000000,
      stock: 100,
      sku: 'SM002'
    _previousDataValues: {
      id: 2,
      name: 'Samsung Galaxy S22',
      price: 10000000,
      stock: 100,
      sku: 'SM002'
    uniqno: 1,
    _changed: Set(0) {},
    _options: {
      isNewRecord: false,
      _schema: null,
      _schemaDelimiter: '',
      raw: true,
      attributes: [Array]
    isNewRecord: false

我想如果我想獲得“Samsung Galaxy A53”,我必須編寫如下代碼:

console.log(data[0].dataValues.name) // it is works

但為什么我可以用這樣的代碼獲得“Samsung Galaxy A53”?

console.log(data[0].name) // i can access directly to name property without using dataValues property

所有 Sequelize 模型實際上都是 DAO。

A Model represents a table in the database. Instances of this class represent a database row.

Model instances operate with the concept of a dataValues property, which stores
the actual values represented by the instance.
By default, the values from dataValues can also be accessed directly from the Instance, that is:

// is the same as
// is the same as

However, if getters and/or setters are defined for field they will be invoked,  
instead of returning the value from dataValues.
Accessing properties directly or using get is preferred for regular use,  
getDataValue should only be used for custom getters.

參見Model 部分



  • dataValues
  • _previousDataValues ,
  • uniqno ,
  • _changed
  • _options
  • isNewRecord

name不是主要屬性,它在dataValues中。 這就是為什么需要執行data[0].dataValues.namedata[0]["dataValues"]["name"]來獲取它的原因。


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