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似乎是 Pylance 類型檢查中的錯誤

[英]Seems like a bug in Pylance type checking

我得到了一個奇怪的錯誤, list[dict[str, str | int]] list[dict[str, str | int]]不能分配給Sequence[dict[str, str | float | int] | None] Sequence[dict[str, str | float | int] | None] Sequence[dict[str, str | float | int] | None]

Argument of type "list[dict[str, str | int]]" cannot be assigned to parameter "params" of type "Sequence[dict[str, str | float | int] | None]" in function "batch_call"
  "list[dict[str, str | int]]" is incompatible with "Sequence[dict[str, str | float | int] | None]"
    TypeVar "_T_co@Sequence" is covariant
      Type "dict[str, str | int]" cannot be assigned to type "dict[str, str | float | int] | None"
        "dict[str, str | int]" is incompatible with "dict[str, str | float | int]"
          TypeVar "_VT@dict" is invariant
        Type cannot be assigned to type "None"

這是沒有意義的。 該列表顯然是序列的子集。

這實際上是預期的行為,因為dict是可變的。 Mypy 在其文檔中提供了對該問題的簡要說明。


from collections.abc import Sequence

foo: list[dict[str, str | int]] = [{"foo": 2}]

def bar(s: Sequence[dict[str, str | float | int] | None]):
    d = s[0]
    if d:
        d["foo"] = 0.5


表達式bar(foo)將通過插入一個float來修改foo ,這違反了foo的指定類型。


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