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如何從數組的 for 循環中返回年份事件

[英]How to return year events in a for loop from an array

進階——For 循環


· 擴展,允許用戶輸入他們的生日以提高准確性

· 代碼效率,對關鍵事件使用數組而不是 if 語句。

我創建了由 1993 年的年份和事件組成的數組

那么我如何創建一個 for 循環來獲取用戶的出生年份(輸入)並顯示從那一年到當年的事件?

edYearlyEvents = {                                                                                                                                                                      
"1993": "Bill Clinton is inaugurated as the 42nd president.",                                                                                                                      
"1994": "The People's Republic of China gets its first connection to the Internet.",                                                                                               
"1995": "eBay is founded by Pierre Omidyar.",                                                                                                                                      
"1996": "Murder of Tupac Shakur.",                                                                                                                                                 
"1997": "The first episode of Pokémon airs on TV Tokyo.",                                                                                                                          
"1998": "Death of Frank Sinatra.",                                                                                                                                                 
"1999": "The Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, United States, causes 15 deaths.",                                                                                        
"2000": "The Sony PlayStation 2 releases in Japan. ",                                                                                                                              
"2001": " September 11 attacks.",                                                                                                                                                  
"2002": "The 2002-2004 SARS outbreak began in Guangdong.",                                                                                                                         
"2003": "The United States invades Iraq and ousts Saddam Hussein, triggering worldwide protests and an 8 year war",                                                                
"2004": "First surface images of Saturn's moon Titan.",                                                                                                                            
"2005": "Hurricane Katrina kills 1,836 people in the Gulf of Mexico.",                                                                                                             
"2006": "Twitter is launched.",                                                                                                                                                    
"2007": "Introduction of the iPhone.",                                                                                                                                             
"2008": "Barack Obama is elected to become the first black President of the United States.",                                                                                       
"2009": "The cryptocurrency Bitcoin is launched.",                                                                                                                                 
"2010": "The Burj Khalifa in Dubai becomes the tallest structure in the world, standing at 829.8 m (2,722 ft).",                                                                   
"2011": "Osama bin Laden is shot dead by United States Navy SEALs in Pakistan.",                                                                                                   
"2012": "Vladimir Putin is elected president of Russia for the third time.",                                                                                                       
"2013": "Terrorist attacks occur in Boston and Nairobi.",                                                                                                                          
"2014": "The worst Ebola epidemic in recorded history occurs in West Africa, infecting nearly 30,000 people and resulting in the deaths of 11,000+.",                              
"2015": "Liquid water is found on Mars.",                                                                                                                                          
"2016": "El Chapo is recaptured following his escape from a high-security prison in Mexico",                                                                                       
"2017": "January 20: Donald Trump is inaugurated as President of the United States.",                                                                                              
"2018": "Saudi Arabia allows women to drive.",                                                                                                                                     
"2019": "A major fire engulfs Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, resulting in the roof and main spire collapsing.",                                                                    
"2020": "The murder of George Floyd sparks protests across the United States and the world.",                                                                                      
"2021": "Supporters of President Donald Trump, gathered after a rally led by him, attack the United States capitol, leading to five deaths.",                                      
"2022": "Monkeypox outbreak",                                                                                                                                                      
"2023": "The funeral of Pope Benedict XVI is held at Saint Peter's Square within the Vatican City.",                                                                               


sBirthYear = input("你是哪一年出生的:\n")

對於 dYearlyEvents.items() 中的 sBirthYear:

 const events = { "1993": "Bill Clinton is inaugurated as the 42nd president.", "1994": "The People's Republic of China gets its first connection to the Inte.net.", "1995": "eBay is founded by Pierre Omidyar.", "1996": "Murder of Tupac Shakur.", "1997": "The first episode of Pokémon airs on TV Tokyo.", "1998": "Death of Frank Sinatra.", "1999": "The Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, United States, causes 15 deaths.", "2000": "The Sony PlayStation 2 releases in Japan. ", "2001": " September 11 attacks.", "2002": "The 2002-2004 SARS outbreak began in Guangdong.", "2003": "The United States invades Iraq and ousts Saddam Hussein, triggering worldwide protests and an 8 year war", "2004": "First surface images of Saturn's moon Titan.", "2005": "Hurricane Katrina kills 1,836 people in the Gulf of Mexico.", "2006": "Twitter is launched.", "2007": "Introduction of the iPhone.", "2008": "Barack Obama is elected to become the first black President of the United States.", "2009": "The cryptocurrency Bitcoin is launched.", "2010": "The Burj Khalifa in Dubai becomes the tallest structure in the world, standing at 829.8 m (2,722 ft).", "2011": "Osama bin Laden is shot dead by United States Navy SEALs in Pakistan.", "2012": "Vladimir Putin is elected president of Russia for the third time.", "2013": "Terrorist attacks occur in Boston and Nairobi.", "2014": "The worst Ebola epidemic in recorded history occurs in West Africa, infecting nearly 30,000 people and resulting in the deaths of 11,000+.", "2015": "Liquid water is found on Mars.", "2016": "El Chapo is recaptured following his escape from a high-security prison in Mexico", "2017": "January 20: Donald Trump is inaugurated as President of the United States.", "2018": "Saudi Arabia allows women to drive.", "2019": "A major fire engulfs Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, resulting in the roof and main spire collapsing.", "2020": "The murder of George Floyd sparks protests across the United States and the world.", "2021": "Supporters of President Donald Trump, gathered after a rally led by him, attack the United States capitol, leading to five deaths.", "2022": "Monkeypox outbreak", "2023": "The funeral of Pope Benedict XVI is held at Saint Peter's Square within the Vatican City.", } const yearOfBirth = 1995 const eventsBeforeMyBirth = Object.keys(events).filter(i => Number(i) <= yearOfBirth).map(i => { return { [i]: events[i] } }) console.log(eventsBeforeMyBirth)


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