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Github Actions: poetry 安裝黑了但是CI workflow找不到

[英]Github Actions: poetry installs black but CI workflow does not find it

我正在本地(預提交)和 Github 操作 (GHA) 上設置 python 代碼質量工作流程。 環境是用詩歌來管理的。

雖然本地預提交工作正常,但遠程 GHA 工作流失敗,說它沒有找到黑色,而在查看工作流日志時它似乎安裝得很好。 工作流程很大程度上是從這篇偉大的文章中復制的: https://jacobian.org/til/github-actions-poetry/

我在哪里犯了錯誤? 以下是相關文件:


name: Python QA

    branches: [ "main" ]
    branches: [ "main" ]

  contents: read

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Python QA

    - name: Check out
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Set up Python 3.10
      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        python-version: "3.10"

    # Cache the installation of Poetry itself, e.g. the next step. This prevents the workflow
    # from installing Poetry every time, which can be slow. Note the use of the Poetry version
    # number in the cache key, and the "-0" suffix: this allows you to invalidate the cache
    # manually if/when you want to upgrade Poetry, or if something goes wrong. This could be
    # mildly cleaner by using an environment variable, but I don't really care.
    - name: cache poetry install
      uses: actions/cache@v3
        path: ~/.local
        key: poetry-1.3.2

    # Install Poetry. You could do this manually, or there are several actions that do this.
    # `snok/install-poetry` seems to be minimal yet complete, and really just calls out to
    # Poetry's default install script, which feels correct. I pin the Poetry version here
    # because Poetry does occasionally change APIs between versions and I don't want my
    # actions to break if it does.
    # The key configuration value here is `virtualenvs-in-project: true`: this creates the
    # venv as a `.venv` in your testing directory, which allows the next step to easily
    # cache it.
    - uses: snok/install-poetry@v1.3.3
        version: 1.3.2
        virtualenvs-create: true
        virtualenvs-in-project: true
        installer-parallel: true

    # Cache your dependencies (i.e. all the stuff in your `pyproject.toml`). Note the cache
    # key: if you're using multiple Python versions, or multiple OSes, you'd need to include
    # them in the cache key. I'm not, so it can be simple and just depend on the poetry.lock.
    - name: cache deps
      id: cache-deps
      uses: actions/cache@v3
        path: .venv
        key: pydeps-${{ hashFiles('**/poetry.lock') }}

    # Install dependencies. `--no-root` means "install all dependencies but not the project
    # itself", which is what you want to avoid caching _your_ code. The `if` statement
    # ensures this only runs on a cache miss.
    - run: poetry install --no-interaction --no-root
      if: steps.cache-deps.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'

    # Now install _your_ project. This isn't necessary for many types of projects -- particularly
    # things like Django apps don't need this. But it's a good idea since it fully-exercises the
    # pyproject.toml and makes that if you add things like console-scripts at some point that
    # they'll be installed and working.
    - run: poetry install --no-interaction

   # Now finally run your code quality tools

    - name: Format with black
      run: |
        black 'src'

    - name: Lint with pylint
      run: |
        pylint --fail-under=7.0 --recursive=y --enable=W 'src'

相關章節 GitHub codequal.yml 的 Action logging

Run poetry install --no-interaction --no-root
Creating virtualenv rssita in /home/runner/work/rssita/rssita/.venv
Installing dependencies from lock file

Package operations: 49 installs, 1 update, 0 removals

  • Updating setuptools (65.6.3 -> 67.0.0)
  • Installing attrs (22.2.0)
  • Installing certifi (2022.12.7)
  • Installing charset-normalizer (3.0.1)
  • Installing distlib (0.3.6)
  • Installing exceptiongroup (1.1.0)
  • Installing filelock (3.9.0)
  • Installing idna (3.4)
  • Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
  • Installing nvidia-cublas-cu11 (
  • Installing nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11 (11.7.99)
  • Installing nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11 (11.7.99)
  • Installing nvidia-cudnn-cu11 (
  • Installing packaging (23.0)
  • Installing platformdirs (2.6.2)
  • Installing pluggy (1.0.0)
  • Installing tomli (2.0.1)
  • Installing typing-extensions (4.4.0)
  • Installing urllib3 (1.26.14)
  • Installing cfgv (3.3.1)
  • Installing click (8.1.3)
  • Installing coverage (7.1.0)
  • Installing identify (2.5.17)
  • Installing emoji (2.2.0)
  • Installing mccabe (0.7.0)
  • Installing mypy-extensions (0.4.3)
  • Installing nodeenv (1.7.0)
  • Installing numpy (1.24.1)
  • Installing pathspec (0.11.0)
  • Installing protobuf (4.21.12)
  • Installing pycodestyle (2.10.0)
  • Installing pyflakes (3.0.1)
  • Installing pytest (7.2.1)
  • Installing pyyaml (6.0)
  • Installing requests (2.28.2)
  • Installing sgmllib3k (1.0.0)
  • Installing six (1.16.0)
  • Installing torch (1.13.1)
  • Installing tqdm (4.64.1)
  • Installing types-urllib3 (
  • Installing virtualenv (20.17.1)
  • Installing black (22.12.0)
  • Installing feedparser (6.0.10)
  • Installing flake8 (6.0.0)
  • Installing isort (5.12.0)
  • Installing mypy (0.991)
  • Installing pre-commit (3.0.2)
  • Installing pytest-cov (4.0.0)
  • Installing stanza (1.4.2)
  • Installing types-requests (
Run poetry install --no-interaction
Installing dependencies from lock file

No dependencies to install or update

Installing the current project: rssita (0.1.0)
Run black 'src'
/home/runner/work/_temp/0fc25aa8-4903-45ae-9d8e-9c11f60dca11.sh: line 1: black: command not found
Error: Process completed with exit code 127.

本地項目樹:(基礎)bob@Roberts-Mac-mini rssita % tree

├── README.md
├── __pycache__
│   └── test_feeds.cpython-310-pytest-7.2.1.pyc
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── src
│   └── rssita
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── __pycache__
│       │   ├── __init__.cpython-310-pytest-7.2.1.pyc
│       │   ├── __init__.cpython-310.pyc
│       │   ├── feeds.cpython-310-pytest-7.2.1.pyc
│       │   ├── feeds.cpython-310.pyc
│       │   ├── rssita.cpython-310-pytest-7.2.1.pyc
│       │   └── termcolors.cpython-310-pytest-7.2.1.pyc
│       ├── feeds.py
│       ├── rssita.py
│       └── termcolors.py
└── tests
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── __pycache__
    │   ├── __init__.cpython-310.pyc
    │   └── test_feeds.cpython-310-pytest-7.2.1.pyc
    └── test_feeds.py

由於依賴安裝在Poetry管理的虛擬環境中,所以需要使用Poetry來run Black:

- name: Format with black
  run: poetry run black 'src'


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