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[英]Soundex algorithm in Python (homework help request)

美國人口普查局使用一種稱為“ soundex”的特殊編碼來查找有關某個人的信息。 soundex是基於姓氏發音而不是拼寫方式的姓氏(姓氏)編碼。 聽起來相同但拼寫不同的姓氏(例如SMITH和SMYTH)具有相同的代碼,並且一起歸檔。 開發了soundex編碼系統,以便您可以找到一個姓氏,即使它可能已經用各種拼寫形式記錄下來了。

在本實驗中,您將設計,編碼和記錄一個程序,該程序在輸入姓氏時會生成soundex代碼。 將提示用戶輸入姓氏,程序應輸出相應的代碼。


姓氏的每種soundex編碼均由字母和三個數字組成。 使用的字母始終是姓氏的第一個字母。 根據以下所示的soundex指南,將數字分配給姓氏的其余字母。 如有必要,在末尾添加零,以始終生成四個字符的代碼。 忽略其他字母。


Soundex為各種輔音分配一個編號。 聽起來相似的輔音分配了相同的數字:


1 B,F,P,V 2 C,G,J,K,Q,S,X,Z 3 D,T 4 L 5 M,N 6 R


遵循另外3條Soundex編碼規則。 一個好的程序設計將把這些實現為一個或多個單獨的功能。


如果姓氏包含任何雙字母,則應將其視為一個字母。 例如:

古鐵雷斯編碼為G362(G,T代表3,第一個R代表6,忽略第二個R,對Z代表2)。 規則2.並排字母的名稱具有相同的Soundex代碼編號

如果在soundex編碼指南中,姓氏並排的字母相同且編號不同,則應將其視為一個字母。 例子:




3.a. 如果元音(A,E,I,O,U)分隔了兩個具有相同soundex代碼的輔音,則對元音右側的輔音進行編碼。 例:

Tymczak編碼為T-522(M代表T,5,C代表Z,2,忽略(請參見上面的“ Side-by-Side”規則),K代表2)。 由於元音“ A”將Z和K分開,因此對K進行編碼。 3.b. 如果“ H”或“ W”將具有相同soundex代碼的兩個輔音分開,則右側的輔音不會被編碼。 例:

* Ashcraft編碼為A261(A,2代表S,C被忽略,因為與S相同,中間有H,R代表6,F代表1)。 它沒有編碼為A226。


surname = raw_input("Please enter surname:")
outstring = ""

outstring = outstring + surname[0]
for i in range (1, len(surname)):
        nextletter = surname[i]
        if nextletter in ['B','F','P','V']:
            outstring = outstring + '1'

        elif nextletter in ['C','G','J','K','Q','S','X','Z']:
            outstring = outstring + '2'

        elif nextletter in ['D','T']:
            outstring = outstring + '3'

        elif nextletter in ['L']:
            outstring = outstring + '4'

        elif nextletter in ['M','N']:
            outstring = outstring + '5'

        elif nextletter in ['R']:
            outstring = outstring + '6'

print outstring

足夠執行要求的操作,我只是不確定如何編寫這三個規則。 那是我需要幫助的地方。 因此,感謝您的幫助。


  • 存儲CurrentCoded和LastCoded變量以在附加到輸出之前使用
  • 將系統分解為有用的功能,例如
    1. 布爾值IsVowel(字符)
    2. 整數編碼(字符)
    3. 布爾值IsRule1(Char,Char)


這幾乎不是完美的(例如,如果輸入不是以字母開頭,則會產生錯誤的結果),並且它不會將規則實現為可獨立測試的函數,因此它並不能真正解決作業問題。 但這就是我要實現的方式:

>>> def soundex_prepare(s):
        """Prepare string for Soundex encoding.

        Remove non-alpha characters (and the not-of-interest W/H/Y), 
        convert to upper case, and remove all runs of repeated letters."""
        p = re.compile("[^a-gi-vxz]", re.IGNORECASE)
        s = re.sub(p, "", s).upper()
        for c in set(s):
            s = re.sub(c + "{2,}", c, s)
        return s

>>> def soundex_encode(s):
        """Encode a name string using the Soundex algorithm."""
        result = s[0].upper()
        s = soundex_prepare(s[1:])
        codes   = '.123.12.22455.12623.122'
        d = dict(zip(letters, codes))
        for c in s:
            code = d[c]
            if code != "." and code != prev_code:
                result += code
         if len(result) >= 4: break
            prev_code = code
        return (result + "0000")[:4]
surname = input("Enter surname of the author: ") #asks user to input the author's surname

while surname != "": #initiates a while loop thats loops on as long as the input is not equal to an empty line

    str_ini = surname[0] #denotes the initial letter of the surname string
    mod_str1 = surname[1:] #denotes modified string excluding the first letter of the surname

    import re #importing re module to access the sub function
    mod_str2 = re.sub(r'[aeiouyhwAEIOUYHW]', '', mod_str1) #eliminating any instances of the given letters

    mod_str21 = re.sub(r'[bfpvBFPV]', '1', mod_str2)
    mod_str22 = re.sub(r'[cgjkqsxzCGJKQSXZ]', '2', mod_str21)
    mod_str23 = re.sub(r'[dtDT]', '3', mod_str22)
    mod_str24 = re.sub(r'[lL]', '4', mod_str23)
    mod_str25 = re.sub(r'[mnMN]', '5', mod_str24)
    mod_str26 = re.sub(r'[rR]', '6', mod_str25)
                #substituting given letters with specific numbers as required by the soundex algorithm

    mod_str3 = str_ini.upper()+mod_str26 #appending the surname initial with the remaining modified trunk

    import itertools #importing itertools module to access the groupby function
    mod_str4 = ''.join(char for char, rep in itertools.groupby(mod_str3))
                #grouping each character of the string into individual characters
                #removing sequences of identical numbers with a single number
                #joining the individually grouped characters into a string

    mod_str5 = (mod_str4[:4]) #setting character limit of the modified string upto the fourth place

    if len (mod_str5) == 1:
        print (mod_str5 + "000\n")
    elif len (mod_str5) == 2:
        print (mod_str5 + "00\n")
    elif len (mod_str5) == 3:
        print (mod_str5 + "0\n")
        print (mod_str5 + "\n")
                #using if, elif and else arguments for padding with trailing zeros

    print ("Press enter to exit") #specification for the interactor, to press enter (i.e., equivalent to a new line for breaking the while loop) when he wants to exit the program
    surname = input("Enter surname of the author: ") #asking next input from the user if he wants to carry on

exit(0) #exiting the program at the break of the while loop


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