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如何將位圖作為幀寫入C \\ C ++中的Ogg Theora?

[英]How to write bitmaps as frames to Ogg Theora in C\C++?

如何將位圖作為幀寫入C \\ C ++中的Ogg Theora?


整個解決方案有點冗長,可以在這里作為代碼示例發布,但如果你從Xiph.org下載libtheora,就會有一個例子png2theora。 我將要提到的所有庫函數都可以在Xiph.org上關於theora和ogg的文檔中找到。

  1. 調用th_info_init()來初始化th_info結構,然后通過在其中分配適當的成員來設置輸出參數。
  2. 在調用th_encode_alloc()時使用該結構來獲取編碼器上下文
  3. 使用ogg_stream_init()初始化ogg流
  4. 使用th_comment_init初始化空白的th_comment結構


  1. 使用編碼器上下文,空白注釋結構和ogg_packet調用th_encode_flushheader。
  2. 使用ogg_stream_packetin()將生成的數據包發送到ogg流



您現在可以將幀寫入編碼器。 我是這樣做的:

int theora_write_frame(int outputFd, unsigned long w, unsigned long h, unsigned char *yuv_y, unsigned char *yuv_u, unsigned char *yuv_v, int last)
  th_ycbcr_buffer ycbcr;
  ogg_packet op;
  ogg_page og;

  unsigned long yuv_w;
  unsigned long yuv_h;

  /* Must hold: yuv_w >= w */
  yuv_w = (w + 15) & ~15;
  /* Must hold: yuv_h >= h */
  yuv_h = (h + 15) & ~15;

  //Fill out the ycbcr buffer
  ycbcr[0].width = yuv_w;
  ycbcr[0].height = yuv_h;
  ycbcr[0].stride = yuv_w;
  ycbcr[1].width = yuv_w;
  ycbcr[1].stride = ycbcr[1].width;
  ycbcr[1].height = yuv_h;
  ycbcr[2].width = ycbcr[1].width;
  ycbcr[2].stride = ycbcr[1].stride;
  ycbcr[2].height = ycbcr[1].height;

  if(encoderInfo->pixel_fmt == TH_PF_420)
    //Chroma is decimated by 2 in both directions
    ycbcr[1].width = yuv_w >> 1;
    ycbcr[2].width = yuv_w >> 1;
    ycbcr[1].height = yuv_h >> 1;
    ycbcr[2].height = yuv_h >> 1;
  }else if(encoderInfo->pixel_fmt == TH_PF_422)
    ycbcr[1].width = yuv_w >> 1;
    ycbcr[2].width = yuv_w >> 1;
  }else if(encoderInfo->pixel_fmt != TH_PF_422)
    //Then we have an unknown pixel format
    //We don't know how long the arrays are!
    fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Unknown pixel format in writeFrame!\n");
    return -1;

  ycbcr[0].data = yuv_y;
  ycbcr[1].data = yuv_u;
  ycbcr[2].data = yuv_v;

  /* Theora is a one-frame-in,one-frame-out system; submit a frame
     for compression and pull out the packet */
  if(th_encode_ycbcr_in(encoderContext, ycbcr)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: could not encode frame\n");
    return -1;

  if(!th_encode_packetout(encoderContext, last, &op)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: could not read packets\n");
    return -1;

  ogg_stream_packetin(&theoraStreamState, &op);
  ssize_t bytesWritten = 0;
  int pagesOut = 0;
  while(ogg_stream_pageout(&theoraStreamState, &og)) {
    pagesOut ++;
    bytesWritten = write(outputFd, og.header, og.header_len);
    if(bytesWritten != og.header_len)
      fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: Could not write to file\n");
      return -1;
    bytesWritten = write(outputFd, og.body, og.body_len);
    if(bytesWritten != og.body_len)
      bytesWritten = fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: Could not write to file\n");
      return -1;
  return pagesOut;



一旦完成,只需確保清理(主要關閉fds)。 th_info_clear()將清除th_info結構,th_encode_free()將釋放您的編碼器上下文。


希望這個對你有幫助。 祝好運!

這是libtheora API示例代碼

這是一個顯示如何使用theora二進制文件的指南。 當編碼器讀取視頻的原始未壓縮“yuv4mpeg”數據時,您也可以通過將視頻幀傳輸到編碼器來使用應用程序中的數據


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