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使用Boost :: Spirit的簡單表達式解析器示例?

[英]Simple expression parser example using Boost::Spirit?

是否有人知道在線資源,我可以找到如何使用Boost :: Spirit?編寫簡單的表達式解析器。




  1. 打開/關閉括號
  2. 算術運算符
  3. 識別函數名稱,並檢查其所需的參數


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <list>

#include <boost/spirit.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost::spirit;
using namespace boost;

void g(unsigned int i)
    cout << "row: " << i << endl;

struct u
    u(const char* c): s(c) {}
    void operator()(const char* first, const char* last) const
        cout << s << ": " << string(first, last) << endl;   
    string s;

struct Exp

struct Range: public Exp

struct Index: public Exp

struct String: public Exp

struct Op
    virtual ~Op() = 0;
    virtual string name() = 0;

Op::~Op() {}

struct CountIf: public Op
    string name() { return "CountIf"; }

struct Sum: public Op
    string name() { return "Sum"; }

struct Statement
    virtual ~Statement() = 0;
    virtual void print() = 0;

Statement::~Statement() {}

struct Formula: public Statement
    Formula(const char* first, const char* last): s(first, last), op(new CountIf)
        typedef rule<phrase_scanner_t> r_t;

        r_t r_index     = (+alpha_p)[u("col")] >> uint_p[&g];
        r_t r_range     = r_index >> ':' >> r_index;
        r_t r_string    = ch_p('\"') >> *alnum_p >> '\"';
        r_t r_exp       = r_range | r_index | r_string; // will invoke actions for index twice due to range
        r_t r_list      = !(r_exp[u("arg")] % ',');
        r_t r_op        = as_lower_d["countif"] | as_lower_d["sum"];
        r_t r_formula   = r_op >> '(' >> r_list >> ')';

        cout << s << ": matched: " << boolalpha << parse(s.c_str(), r_formula, space_p).full << endl; 
    void print() { cout << "Formula: " << s << " / " << op->name() << endl; }
    string s;
    shared_ptr<Op> op;
    list<shared_ptr<Exp> > exp_list;

struct Comment: public Statement
    Comment(const char* first, const char* last): comment(first, last) {}
    void print() {cout << "Comment: " << comment << endl; }
    string comment;

struct MakeFormula
    MakeFormula(list<shared_ptr<Statement> >& list_): list(list_) {}
    void operator()(const char* first, const char* last) const
        cout << "MakeFormula: " << string(first, last) << endl;
        list.push_back(shared_ptr<Statement>(new Formula(first, last)));
    list<shared_ptr<Statement> >& list;

struct MakeComment
    MakeComment(list<shared_ptr<Statement> >& list_): list(list_) {}
    void operator()(const char* first, const char* last) const
        cout << "MakeComment: " << string(first, last) << endl;
        list.push_back(shared_ptr<Statement>(new Comment(first, last)));
    list<shared_ptr<Statement> >& list;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    //typedef vector<string> v_t;
    //v_t v(argv + 1, argv + argc);
    // copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<v_t::value_type>(cout, "\n"));

    string s;
    getline(cin, s);

    //        =COUNTIF(J2:J36, "Abc")

    typedef list<shared_ptr<Statement> > list_t;
    list_t list;

    typedef rule<phrase_scanner_t> r_t;

    r_t r_index     = (+alpha_p)[u("col")] >> uint_p[&g];
    r_t r_range     = r_index >> ':' >> r_index;
    r_t r_string    = ch_p('\"') >> *alnum_p >> '\"';
    r_t r_exp       = r_range | r_index | r_string; // will invoke actions for index twice due to range
    r_t r_list      = !(r_exp[u("arg")] % ',');
    r_t r_op        = as_lower_d["countif"] | as_lower_d["sum"];
    r_t r_formula   = r_op >> '(' >> r_list >> ')';
    r_t r_statement = (ch_p('=')  >> r_formula   [MakeFormula(list)])
                    | (ch_p('\'') >> (*anychar_p)[MakeComment(list)])

    cout << s << ": matched: " << boolalpha << parse(s.c_str(), r_statement, space_p).full << endl; 

    for (list_t::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
catch(const exception& ex)
    cerr << "Error: " << ex.what() << endl;


=COUNTIF(J2:J36, "Abc")

當前版本的Spirit(V2.x)包含一系列計算器示例,從非常簡單到完整的mini-c解釋器。 您應該看一下,因為這些是編寫自己的表達式解析器的完美起點。

我不確定這個資格是否也很簡單,但是我已經在http://code.google.com/p/uri-grammar/source/browse/trunk/src/uri/grammar上使用了這個uri-grammar。 .hpp 它可能不是微不足道的 ,但至少它解析了你可能已經理解過的東西(URI)。 閱讀這些語法時,最好從下往上閱讀,因為這是最通用的令牌往往被定義的地方。


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