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[英]PHP: Minutes ago, seconds ago: is this correct coded?

if($timestamp > time() - 60){
    // Count seconds ago
    $deff = time() - $timestamp;
    $seconds = $deff / 60;
    echo intval($seconds)." seconds ago";
} elseif($timestamp > time() - 3600){
    // Count minutes ago
    $deff = time() - $timestamp;
    $minuts = $deff / 60;
    echo intval($minuts)." minutes ago";

我認為分鍾前是對的,但不是秒? 我應該怎么做“秒前”吧?


function ago($when) {
        $diff = date("U") - $when;

        // Days
        $day = floor($diff / 86400);
        $diff = $diff - ($day * 86400);

        // Hours
        $hrs = floor($diff / 3600);
        $diff = $diff - ($hrs * 3600);

        // Mins
        $min = floor($diff / 60);
        $diff = $diff - ($min * 60);

        // Secs
        $sec = $diff;

        // Return how long ago this was. eg: 3d 17h 4m 18s ago
        // Skips left fields if they aren't necessary, eg. 16h 0m 27s ago / 10m 7s ago
        $str = sprintf("%s%s%s%s",
                $day != 0 ? $day."d " : "",
                ($day != 0 || $hrs != 0) ? $hrs."h " : "",
                ($day != 0 || $hrs != 0 || $min != 0) ? $min."m " : "",
                $sec."s ago"

        return $str;

將一個unix時間戳傳遞給它(你過去的時間),它會說多久以前它。 如果您希望返回值略有不同,或者可能希望在其中添加數月或數年,則可輕松修改。


那段代碼有點混亂。 考慮使用DateTime包; 它具有內置的差異和格式化功能。

我認為你的'$ seconds'應該等於'$ deff',不應該嗎?

DateInterval :: format()提供了一種更好的方法。



 * Get a string representing the duration difference in two timestamps
 * @param   int   $time   The timestamp to compare
 * @param   int   $timeBase   The base timestamp to compare against, defaults to time()
 * @return  string   Returns the duration summary
public function getTimeSummary ($time, $timeBase = false) {
    if (!$timeBase) {
        $timeBase = time();

    if ($time <= time()) {
        $dif = $timeBase - $time;

        if ($dif < 60) {
            if ($dif < 2) {
                return "1 second ago";

            return $dif." seconds ago";

        if ($dif < 3600) {
            if (floor($dif / 60) < 2) {
                return "A minute ago";

            return floor($dif / 60)." minutes ago";

        if (date("d n Y", $timeBase) == date("d n Y", $time)) {
            return "Today, ".date("g:i A", $time);

        if (date("n Y", $timeBase) == date("n Y", $time) && date("d", $timeBase) - date("d", $time) == 1) {
            return "Yesterday, ".date("g:i A", $time);

        if (date("Y", $time) == date("Y", time())) {
            return date("F, jS g:i A", $time);
    } else {
        $dif = $time - $timeBase;

        if ($dif < 60) {
            if ($dif < 2) {
                return "1 second";

            return $dif." seconds";

        if ($dif < 3600) {
            if (floor($dif / 60) < 2) {
                return "Less than a minute";

            return floor($dif / 60)." minutes";

        if (date("d n Y", ($timeBase + 86400)) == date("d n Y", ($time))) {
            return "Tomorrow, at ".date("g:i A", $time);

    return date("F, jS g:i A Y", $time);


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