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C ++中的模板類

[英]A template class in C++

以下C ++模板類的功能是什么? 我是逐行注釋的:

template<class T> string toString(const T& t, bool *ok = NULL) {
         ostringstream stream;
         stream << t;
         if(ok != NULL) *ok = stream.fail() == false;
         return stream.str();


基本上,它會將任何具有operator <<的輸出對象定義為流,並將其轉換為字符串。 (可選)如果您傳遞bool變量的地址,它將根據轉換是否成功來設置。

這個函數的優點是,一旦定義了,只要你為你編寫的新類定義了operator <<,你也可以立即得到一個toString()方法。

 template<class T> 
 string toString(const T& t, bool *ok = NULL) 
         ostringstream stream;     // line A
         stream << t;              // line B
         if(ok != NULL) 
               *ok = (stream.fail() == false);  // line C
         return stream.str();      // Line D
  • A - 聲明一個ostringstream - 一個寫入字符串的輸出流
  • B - 使用它的運算符<<將對象寫入該流
  • C - 將* ok布爾值設置為成功/失敗
  • D - 將流轉換為標准字符串並返回。

此模板化函數接受任何類型的值和指向bool的指針。 它嘗試使用std::ostringstream將值轉換為std::string使用輸出流提供的格式轉換。 如果bool -pointer參數為非null,則該函數會寫入流操作是否成功到該指針處的值。


std::string s = toString(123);


bool succeeded;
std::string s = toString(something, &succeeded);
if (succeeded) { ... }


是的,不是。 它適用於運算符<<已使用ostream定義的任何對象。 那個或任何ostringstream有重載方法處理的對象。


ostream& operator <<(ostream &os, MyObj &obj);

或者它屬於一個標准的重載。 下面是取自`ostream的”內發現的重載函數列表, 在這里

ostream&operator <<(bool&val);

ostream&operator <<(short&val);

ostream&operator <<(unsigned short&val);

ostream&operator <<(int&val);

ostream&operator <<(unsigned int&val);

ostream&operator <<(long&val);

ostream&operator <<(unsigned long&val);

ostream&operator <<(float&val);

ostream&operator <<(double&val);

ostream&operator <<(long double&val);

ostream&operator <<(const void * val);

ostream&operator <<(streambuf * sb);

ostream&operator <<(ostream&(* pf)(ostream&));

ostream&operator <<(ios&(* pf)(ios&));

ostream&operator <<(ios_base&(* pf)(ios_base&));


ostream&operator <<(ostream&out,char c);

ostream&operator <<(ostream&out,signed char c);

ostream&operator <<(ostream&out,unsigned char c);

ostream&operator <<(ostream&out,const char * s);

ostream&operator <<(ostream&out,const signed char * s);

ostream&operator <<(ostream&out,const unsigned char * s);

它不是模板類。 這是一個模板功能/方法。 事實上它確實試圖將參數“t”放入流中。 如果輸出流(ostringstream)不支持處理類型為“T”的輸入(“<<”運算符不知道如何處理類型為T的對象),則操作可能不會成功。

這實際上只是一個模板函數而不是類。 它為轉換為可以使用ostringstream任何類型的字符串提供了簡化的語義(所有數字類型都可以工作,並且可以定義其他自定義轉換)。 該函數將值放入流中,然后返回流的字符串表示形式。

首先,這不是一個類,它只是一個函數。 這是一個帶注釋的版本:

// This function accepts two parameters, one of which is a constant reference
// to any arbitrary type (the arbitrary type is referred to as T), and the 
// other is an optional pointer to boolean, which is NULL if left unspecified.

template<class T> string toString(const T& t, bool *ok = NULL) {

         // This instantiates an output string stream, which is a class provided
         // by the STL which works very much like std::cout except that the output
         // is stored in a string instead of sent to standard output.

         ostringstream stream;

         // This inserts the passed-in variable t into the stream. This requires
         // that a function operator<<(ostream&, const T&) exists for the 
         // particular type T that is the type of t. If it does not exist for some
         // T that this function is called on, there will be a compile error. This 
         // operator overload is provided by default for built-in types and some STL
         // types (such as std::string). The implementation of this function for any
         // given type T is responsible for doing whatever needs to be done to 
         // represent the value of t as a character stream. This is exactly what
         // happens when you write std::cout << t, except the result is sent to
         // a string inside the stringstream instead of to the console.

         stream << t;

         // If the user passed in a pointer-to-boolean, then check if the previous
         // line caused an error, and set the boolean to false if there was an error,
         // or true otherwise. An error might occur if the value in t can't be
         // represented as a string for whatever reason.

         if(ok != NULL) *ok = stream.fail() == false;

         // This returns the string that was created by the stream (e.g. what would
         // have appeared on the terminal if stream were instead std::cout)

         return stream.str();

@Luna,Wheaties提到的是函數template<class T> string toString(const T& t, bool *ok = NULL) {中的模板參數T的類型template<class T> string toString(const T& t, bool *ok = NULL) {應該是數據類型列表或類型T的一部分應該實現ostream的<<運算符。 否則該功能將失敗。


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