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[英]Jquery plugin doesn't work

我正在嘗試安裝一個jQuery插件,但我無法使其工作。 這是我的標題:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="ajax/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ajax/ar.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ajax/function.js"></script>

jquery.js是從站點下載的jquery文件。 ar.js是插件文件:

 * jQuery autoResize (textarea auto-resizer)
 * @copyright James Padolsey http://james.padolsey.com
 * @version 1.04


    $.fn.autoResize = function(options) {

        // Just some abstracted details,
        // to make plugin users happy:
        var settings = $.extend({
            onResize : function(){},
            animate : true,
            animateDuration : 150,
            animateCallback : function(){},
            extraSpace : 20,
            limit: 1000
        }, options);

        // Only textarea's auto-resize:

                // Get rid of scrollbars and disable WebKit resizing:
            var textarea = $(this).css({resize:'none','overflow-y':'hidden'}),

                // Cache original height, for use later:
                origHeight = textarea.height(),

                // Need clone of textarea, hidden off screen:
                clone = (function(){

                    // Properties which may effect space taken up by chracters:
                    var props = ['height','width','lineHeight','textDecoration','letterSpacing'],
                        propOb = {};

                    // Create object of styles to apply:
                    $.each(props, function(i, prop){
                        propOb[prop] = textarea.css(prop);

                    // Clone the actual textarea removing unique properties
                    // and insert before original textarea:
                    return textarea.clone().removeAttr('id').removeAttr('name').css({
                        position: 'absolute',
                        top: 0,
                        left: -9999

                lastScrollTop = null,
                updateSize = function() {

                    // Prepare the clone:

                    // Find the height of text:
                    var scrollTop = Math.max(clone.scrollTop(), origHeight) + settings.extraSpace,
                        toChange = $(this).add(clone);

                    // Don't do anything if scrollTip hasen't changed:
                    if (lastScrollTop === scrollTop) { return; }
                    lastScrollTop = scrollTop;

                    // Check for limit:
                    if ( scrollTop >= settings.limit ) {
                    // Fire off callback:

                    // Either animate or directly apply height:
                    settings.animate && textarea.css('display') === 'block' ?
                        toChange.stop().animate({height:scrollTop}, settings.animateDuration, settings.animateCallback)
                        : toChange.height(scrollTop);

            // Bind namespaced handlers to appropriate events:
                .bind('keyup.dynSiz', updateSize)
                .bind('keydown.dynSiz', updateSize)
                .bind('change.dynSiz', updateSize);


        // Chain:
        return this;




    // On resize:
    onResize : function() {
    // After resize:
    animateCallback : function() {
    // Quite slow animation:
    animateDuration : 300,
    // More extra space:
    extraSpace : 40


不確定您遇到的錯誤是什么。 從您發布的代碼中,我可以看到即興發揮的地方:

$(document).ready( function(){
            // On resize: 
            onResize : function() { 
            // After resize: 
            animateCallback : function() { 
            // Quite slow animation: 
            animateDuration : 300, 
            // More extra space: 
            extraSpace : 40 


  • 是否正確包含了所有文件?
  • 您的textarea的ID是否為#first 如果是這樣,是否在頁面加載后將您的textarea添加到DOM?
  • 您在Firebug中看到任何錯誤或問題嗎?
  • 您使用的jQuery版本與您使用的插件兼容嗎?


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