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[英]python - remove string from words in an array

#this looks for words in dictionary that begin with 'in' and the suffix is a real word
wordlist = [line.strip() for line in open('/usr/share/dict/words')]
newlist = []
for word in wordlist:
    if word.startswith("in"):
for word in newlist:
    word = word.split('in')
print newlist

我如何讓程序從開頭的所有單詞中刪除字符串“ in”? 現在不起作用

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Look for all words beginning with 'in'
# such that the rest of the word is also
# a valid word.

# load the dictionary:
with open('/usr/share/dict/word') as inf:
    allWords = set(word.strip() for word in inf)  # one word per line
  1. 使用'with'確保文件始終正確關閉;
  2. 我把所有單詞組合在一起; 這使得搜索它成為O(1)運算


# get the remainder of all words beginning with 'in'
inWords = [word[2:] for word in allWords if word.startswith("in")]
# filter to get just those which are valid words
inWords = [word for word in inWords if word in allWords]


inWords = [word for word in (word[2:] for word in allWords if word.startswith("in")) if word in allWords]


split()返回通過分割獲得的線段列表。 此外,

word = word.split('in')



for i in range(len(newlist)):
    word = newlist[i].split('in', 1)
    newlist[i] = word[1]

從您的問題很難說出您想要在newlist想要什么,如果您只想要以“ in”開頭但刪除了“ in”的單詞,則可以使用slice

newlist = [word[2:] for word in wordlist if word.startswith('in')]

如果您希望以“ in”開頭的wordlist在刪除了“ in”之后仍在wordlist中(這是您的注釋中“ real”的意思嗎?),那么您需要一些不同的東西:

newlist = [word for word in wordlist if word.startswith('in') and word[2:] in wordlist

請注意,在Python中,我們使用list而不是“ array”。

假設wordlistwordlist列表。 以下代碼可以解決問題:

for i in range(len(wordlist)):
    if wordlist[i].startswith("in"):
        wordlist[i] = wordlist[i][2:]



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