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[英]How to check class and function existence?

var a, kdApi;
a = (function() {
  function a() {}
  a.prototype.b = function() {
    return "foo";
  return a;
kdApi = (function() {
  function kdApi(className, funcName) {
    if (typeof [className] !== "undefined" && ([className] != null)) {
      eval("cu= new " + className + "()");
      if (cu[funcName]) {
        console.log("class and function exists");
      } else {
        console.log("class does, function doesn't");
    } else {
      console.log("both class and function doesn't.");
  return kdApi;
new kdApi("w", "b");

當我運行此命令時,我想同時獲得類和函數不存在的消息,但我卻得到w未定義錯誤。 我究竟做錯了什么? 另外,我可以不用eval來做嗎?

var a, kdApi;
a = (function() {
    function a() {}
      a.prototype.c = 1;
      a.prototype.b = function() {
        return "foo";
    return a;

kdApi = (function() {
  function kdApi(className, funcName) {
    if (className != null && className in window) {
      if (funcName != null && funcName in window[className].prototype &&
          typeof window[className].prototype[funcName] == "function") {
        document.write("class and function exists");
      } else {
        document.write("class does, function doesn't");
    } else {
      document.write("both class and function doesn't.");
  return kdApi;

function testCF(clazz, func) {
  document.write("test for " + clazz + "." + func + "(): ");
  new kdApi(clazz, func);

testCF("a", "b");
testCF("a", "c");
testCF("k", "b");
testCF("k", "c");
testCF(null, "c");
testCF("a", null);

現場演示: http//jsbin.com/ufubi5/5

經過Chrome 10.0.642.2開發人員測試

看到一個函數存在於JavaScript中的標准方法是測試它是否在當前范圍內。 因此,這個成語是:

if (funcName) {



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