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[英]Help with limiting a joined mysql database query

我編寫了一個查詢,該查詢使用WHERE a.id =?返回整個記錄或單個文章的正確的多對多連接的所有記錄。

SELECT a.id, date_added, title, content, category_id, person_id, organization_id, c.name AS category_name, firstname, lastname, o.name AS organization_name

FROM articles AS a

LEFT OUTER JOIN articles_categories AS ac ON a.id=ac.article_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN categories AS c ON c.id=ac.category_id

LEFT OUTER JOIN articles_people AS ap ON a.id=ap.article_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN people AS p ON p.id=ap.person_id

LEFT OUTER JOIN articles_organizations AS ao ON a.id=ao.article_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN organizations AS o ON o.id=ao.organization_id

ORDER BY date_added



理想情況下,我嘗試使用盡可能簡單和清晰的SQL語句,因為我正在將codeigniter框架與其活動記錄類一起使用。 http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/active_record.html


進行搜索並嘗試了一些替代方法,但似乎沒有任何效果。 非常感謝!


id     title        category_id       person_id       organization_id
1      test              1                1                  1
1      test              2                1                  1
1      test              1                2                  1
1      test              1                1                  2
1      test              5                1                  1
1      test              8                1                  1
1      test              1                4                  1
1      test              1                4                  2
1      test              1                1                  1
2      test 2            2                1                  1
2      test 2            1                2                  1
2      test 2            1                1                  2
2      test 2            5                1                  1
2      test 2            8                1                  1
2      test 2            1                4                  1
2      test 2            1                4                  2


$articles = $query->result_array();

$output = array();

foreach ($articles as $article) {

    // set up article details   
    $article_id = $article['id'];

    // add article details
    $output[$article_id]['article_id'] = $article_id;
    $output[$article_id]['date_added'] = $article['date_added'];
    $output[$article_id]['title'] = $article['title'];
    $output[$article_id]['content'] = $article['content'];

    // set up people details and add people array with details if exists
    if (isset($article['person_id'])) {
        $person_id = $article['person_id'];

        $output[$article_id]['people'][$person_id]['person_id'] = $person_id;
        $output[$article_id]['people'][$person_id]['lastname'] = $article['lastname'];
        $output[$article_id]['people'][$person_id]['firstname'] = $article['firstname'];

    // set up organizations details and add organizations array with details if exists
    if (isset($article['organization_id'])) {
        $organization_id = $article['organization_id'];

        $output[$article_id]['organizations'][$organization_id]['organization_id'] = $organization_id;
        $output[$article_id]['organizations'][$organization_id]['organization_name'] = $article['organization_name'];               

    // set up categories details and add categories array with details if exists
    if (isset($article['category_id'])) {
        $category_id = $article['category_id'];

        $output[$article_id]['categories'][$category_id]['category_id'] = $category_id;
        $output[$article_id]['categories'][$category_id]['category_name'] = $article['category_name'];




id     title        category_id       person_id       organization_id
1      test              1                1                  1


id     title        category_id       person_id       organization_id
1      test              1                1                  1
1      test              2                1                  1
1      test              1                2                  1
1      test              1                1                  2
1      test              5                1                  1
1      test              8                1                  1
1      test              1                4                  1
1      test              1                4                  2
1      test              1                1                  1





FROM articles AS a


FROM (SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT 5,3) AS a


那么,為什么不在SQL查詢中使用OFFSET 0,10LIMIT * number_of_results *呢? (如果我理解這個問題)

您可以使用MySQL LIMIT子句輕松限制返回的記錄數。 可以通過以下示例查詢來實現此目的。

SELECT a.id, date_added, title, content, category_id, person_id, organization_id, c.name AS category_name, firstname, lastname, o.name AS organization_name

FROM articles AS a

LEFT OUTER JOIN articles_categories AS ac ON a.id=ac.article_id LEFT OUTER JOIN categories AS c ON c.id=ac.category_id

LEFT OUTER JOIN articles_people AS ap ON a.id=ap.article_id LEFT OUTER JOIN people AS p ON p.id=ap.person_id

LEFT OUTER JOIN articles_organizations AS ao ON a.id=ao.article_id LEFT OUTER JOIN organizations AS o ON o.id=ao.organization_id

ORDER BY date_added

其中10是您希望顯示的記錄數。 MySQL LIMIT子句允許您指定記錄數量的限制和初始偏移量。 像這樣:

LIMIT <offset>,<limit>

在您的情況下, <offset>將是當前頁面*頁面上的記錄數。 <limit>是您希望每頁顯示的記錄數。

ID的特定數量... ID IN(2,4,6,8)...在哪里?

您是否正在使用codeigniter的分頁? http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/pagination.html


聲明:本站的技術帖子網頁,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0協議,如果您需要轉載,請注明本站網址或者原文地址。任何問題請咨詢:yoyou2525@163.com.

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