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[英]Can't Locate Source of NullPointerException in this Java code

當我嘗試運行下面的代碼塊(應該打印出存儲在txt文件中的書籍列表)時,出現Null指針異常。 (故意在解析之前首先具有book對象的“回旋”實現)



     import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

/** there is a basic Book.java file that stores a title and a category that are set by a *constructor and has get methods for each and a "toString" Method for a Book object that *prints out the book's title and category


** BookPrint prints out all the books in the txt file as stored in an array of book objects
**derived by parsing the text file


public class BookPrint
    private Book[] b_books;
    private Scanner defaultFR;
    private Book bookPerLine;

      * main takes a txt file with book titles on separate lines in title category format  like "The Lion King, Children"/n "Yellow Sun, Fiction" /n etc
    public static void main(String[] argv)
                  throws FileNotFoundException
        BookPrint bk;
The following declaration gives a NullPointer exception
        bk = new BookPrint(new FileReader("C:\\Users\\Owner\\workspace\\Book\\src\\hotBooks.txt")); 
        Book[] books;

        books = bk.getBooks();

        //take each book in  and print out
        for(int i =0; i<50; i++){

    /** constructor populates BookPrint 
    public BookPrint(FileReader fr)
           throws ParseError
        defaultFR = new Scanner(fr);

//Null pointer exception when the parseAll method is called


    /** Return array of books
    public Book[] getBooks()
        return b_books;

    /** Parse all.
     *Null Pointer Exception here as well
    private void parseAll(Scanner scn)
                 throws ParseError
        //open scanner object that reads file
        //for all books in array, if there is next line parseOne, and store in book array

            for(int i=0; i< 50; i++){
                b_books[i]= parseOne(scn.nextLine());

    /** Parse one 
    private Book parseOne(String line)
                  throws ParseError
        Scanner scn = new Scanner(line);

        //parse line by "," , store each value as book.title and book.category and return book
        if (scn.hasNext() ){
          String title = scn.next();
          String category = scn.next();
          bookPerLine = new Book(title, category);


        else {
          System.out.println("Empty or invalid line. Unable to process.");
        return bookPerLine;

您要在parseAll()分配給b_books[i] ,而不創建數組。

private Book[] b_books = new Book[50];


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