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如何在SQL Server中減去兩個數據條目

[英]How to subtract two data entries in SQL Server


ID     Name    Time        Type
1      Osama   12:15 AM    IN
2      Osama   12:20 AM    OUT
3      Osama   14:15 AM    IN
4      Osama   14:20 AM    OUT


Name, OUT-IN


Osama, 5
Osama, 5

這里的TestData CTE純粹是出於測試目的。 另外,我注意到您的數據存在錯誤。 最后我檢查了14:15 AM不是一個有效的時間。 這是14:15 (24小時制)或2:15 AM (12小時制)。 此外,此解決方案將需要SQL Server 2005或更高版本。

With TestData As
    Select 1 As Id, 'Osama' As Name, '12:15' As Time, 'IN' As Type
    Union All Select 2, 'Osama', '12:20', 'OUT'
    Union All Select 3, 'Osama', '14:15', 'IN'
    Union All Select 4, 'Osama', '14:20', 'OUT'
    , CheckInCheckOut As
    Select Id, Name, Time, Type
        , Row_Number() Over ( Partition By Name, Type Order By Time ) As Num
    From TestData
Select C1.Name
    , DateDiff( mi, CAST(C1.Time as datetime), Cast(C2.Time As datetime) ) As [OUT-IN]
From CheckInCheckOut As C1
    Join CheckInCheckOut As C2
        On C2.Name = C1.Name
            And C2.Type = 'OUT'
            And C2.Num = C1.Num 
Where C1.Type = 'IN'    

如果你可以假設你的時間是連續的,你可以做Max(TimeRecorded)。 假設您的ID是順序的。 您可以控制具有檢查約束的任何一個。

declare @test table (
    Id int, Name varchar(50), TimeRecorded time, TypeOfTimeRecording varchar(3)

insert into @test values (1, 'Osama', CONVERT(time, '12:15'), 'IN')
insert into @test values (2, 'Osama', CONVERT(time, '12:20'), 'OUT')
insert into @test values (3, 'Osama', CONVERT(time, '12:25'), 'IN')
insert into @test values (4, 'Osama', CONVERT(time, '12:30'), 'OUT')

 select testOut.Name
        ,DATEDIFF(minute, testIn.TimeRecorded, testOut.TimeRecorded) as [Out - In]
   from @test testOut
            inner join
        @test testIn    on testIn.Id = (select MAX(Id) from @test where Name = testOut.Name and Id < testOut.Id and TypeOfTimeRecording = 'IN')
  where testOut.TypeOfTimeRecording = 'OUT'


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