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使用套接字創建原始 HTTP 請求

[英]Creating a raw HTTP request with sockets

我希望能夠構建一個原始 HTTP 請求並使用套接字發送它。 顯然,您希望我使用 urllib 和 urllib2 之類的東西,但我不想使用它們。


import socket

tcpsoc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
tcpsoc.bind(('', 80)) #bind to googles ip
tcpsoc.send('HTTP REQUEST')
response = tcpsoc.recv()


import socket
import urlparse

CRLF = "\r\n\r\n"


def receive_all(sock, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE):
    Gather all the data from a request.
    chunks = []
    while True:
        chunk = sock.recv(int(chunk_size))
        if chunk:

    return ''.join(chunks)

def get(url, **kw):
    kw.setdefault('timeout', CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)
    kw.setdefault('chunk_size', CHUNK_SIZE)
    kw.setdefault('http_version', HTTP_VERSION)
    kw.setdefault('headers_only', False)
    kw.setdefault('response_code_only', False)
    kw.setdefault('body_only', False)
    url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((url.netloc, url.port or 80))
    msg = 'GET {0} HTTP/{1} {2}'
    sock.sendall(msg.format(url.path or '/', kw.get('http_version'), CRLF))
    data = receive_all(sock, chunk_size=kw.get('chunk_size'))

    data = data.decode(errors='ignore')
    headers = data.split(CRLF, 1)[0]
    request_line = headers.split('\n')[0]
    response_code = request_line.split()[1]
    headers = headers.replace(request_line, '')
    body = data.replace(headers, '').replace(request_line, '')

    if kw['body_only']:
        return body
    if kw['headers_only']:
        return headers
    if kw['response_code_only']:
        return response_code
        return data


您需要了解的大部分內容都在 HTTP/1.1 規范中,如果您想推出自己的 HTTP 實現,您絕對應該研究一下: http : //www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html


GET /pageyouwant.html HTTP/1.1[CRLF]
Host: google.com[CRLF]
Connection: close[CRLF]
User-Agent: MyAwesomeUserAgent/1.0.0[CRLF]
Accept-Encoding: gzip[CRLF]
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7[CRLF]
Cache-Control: no-cache[CRLF]


This module is a demonstration of how to send
a HTTP request from scratch with the socket module.
import socket

__author__ = "Ricky L Wilson."
__email__ = "echoquote@gmail.com"
The term CRLF refers to Carriage Return (ASCII 13, \r)
Line Feed (ASCII 10, \n).
They're used to note the termination of a line,
however, dealt with
differently in today's popular Operating Systems.
CRLF = '\r\n'
SP = ' '
CR = '\r'
HOST = 'www.example.com'
PORT = 80
PATH = '/'

def request_header(host=HOST, path=PATH):
    Create a request header.
    return CRLF.join([
        "GET {} HTTP/1.1".format(path), "Host: {}".format(host),
        "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"

def parse_header(header):
    # The response-header fields allow the server 
    # to pass additional information about the 
    # response which cannot be placed in the 
    # Status- Line. 

    # These header fields give information about 
    # the server and about further access to the 
    # resource identified by the Request-URI.
    header_fields = header.split(CR)
    # The first line of a Response message is the 
    # Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version 
    # followed by a numeric status code and its 
    # associated textual phrase, with each element 
    # separated by SP characters.

    # Get the numeric status code from the status
    # line.
    code = header_fields.pop(0).split(' ')[1]
    header = {}
    for field in header_fields:
        key, value = field.split(':', 1)
        header[key.lower()] = value
    return header, code

def send_request(host=HOST, path=PATH, port=PORT):
    Send an HTTP GET request.

    # Create the socket object.
    A network socket is an internal endpoint 
    for sending or receiving data within a node on 
    a computer network.

    Concretely, it is a representation of this 
    endpoint in networking software (protocol stack), 
    such as an entry in a table 
    (listing communication protocol, 
    destination, status, etc.), and is a form of 
    system resource.

    The term socket is analogous to physical 
    female connectors, communication between two 
    nodes through a channel being visualized as a 
    cable with two male connectors plugging into 
    sockets at each node. 

    Similarly, the term port (another term for a female connector) 
    is used for external endpoints at a node, 
    and the term socket is also used for an 
    internal endpoint of local inter-process 
    communication (IPC) (not over a network). 
    However, the analogy is limited, as network 
    communication need not be one-to-one or 
    have a dedicated communication channel.
    sock = socket.socket()
    # Connect to the server.
    sock.connect((host, port))
    # Send the request.
    sock.send(request_header(host, path))

    # Get the response.
    response = ''
    chuncks = sock.recv(4096)
    while chuncks:
        response += chuncks
        chuncks = sock.recv(4096)

    # HTTP headers will be separated from the body by an empty line
    header, _, body = response.partition(CRLF + CRLF)
    header, code = parse_header(header)
    return header, code, body

header, code, body  = send_request(host='www.google.com')
print code, CRLF, body

有關指導您的工作示例,您可能需要查看libcurl ,這是一個用 C 語言編寫的庫,它:

  1. 做你想做的事,甚至更多;

  2. 易於使用;

  3. 被廣泛部署;

  4. 是積極支持的。



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