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[英]Batch script to move files from a local directory to a particular ftp location

當前,我有一個批處理腳本,用於備份數據庫並將備份文件存儲在特定的本地目錄中,例如C:\\ Backups \\ backup-30-07-2011.bak(備份文件將使用當前日期創建)..

現在,我需要一個BATCH腳本將僅在當前日期創建的備份文件移動到FTP位置。 因此,我的批處理腳本必須:(1)使用其用戶名和密碼連接到ftp站點(2)將當前日期的文件移動到指定的ftp位置。


有關ftp的更多信息,請參見: http ://www.nsftools.com/tips/MSFTP.htm批處理腳本的示例,該腳本可制作備份副本:

@echo off
    :: Set filename and path
    :: %date:.=-% mean replace dots '.' to '-' in the variable's value  (31.07.2011)
    :: More info: set /?
    set "fileName=backup-%date:.=-%.bak"
    :: There mustn't be slash in end. "C:\Backups\" is wrong, "C:\Backups" is right
    set "filePath=C:\Backups"
    set "ftpFilePath=somepath"

    :: there must be ftp's IP & port
    set "ftpIP="
    set "ftpPort=21"

    :: replace with your own username & password
    set "username=username"
    set "password=password"

    :: Write commands in file
    :: Open server
    echo o %ftpIP% %ftpPort%>ftpcmds
    :: Say your name & password. If you have no password - just do not change   these lines
    echo %username%>>ftpcmds
    echo %password%>>ftpcmds
    :: We send binary data, yep?
    echo binary>>ftpcmds
    :: Change ftp path
    echo cd %ftpFilePath%>>ftpcmds
    :: Change local path
    echo lcd "%filePath%">>ftpcmds
    :: Yeah, we can send file
    echo send %fileName%>>ftpcmds
    :: Bye = disconnect + quit
    echo bye>>ftpcmds

    :: Run ftp-client. More info: ftp --help
    :: Delete '>nul' if you want see output of ftp
    ftp -s:ftpcmds>nul
exit /b

如果需要,可以添加命令以刪除原始文件(將其放在“ exit / b”之前):

del /s/q %filePath%\%fileName%>nul


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