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如何使用 iOS SDK 以引用的可打印形式將 NSString 轉換為 UTF?

[英]How to convert a NSString to UTF in the quoted printable form using iOS SDK?

我需要將一個字符串(可能帶有非拉丁字符)轉換為 UTF-8,進一步編碼為帶引號的可打印形式



上面的答案確實有效,但它們對整個字符串進行了編碼。 這通常不是您想要的,特別是如果您將此代碼用於編寫 email 之類的事情。

您實際上可能追求的是一種僅在 QP 中對那些非 ascii 字符進行編碼的方法。


Simply place the bass—that's the whole bass—into the Bass-o-matic.




Simply place the bass=E2=80=94that=E2=80=99s the whole bass=E2=80=94into the Bass-o-matic.


- (NSString *)qpEncodedStringWithString:(NSString *)string {
    NSCharacterSet *asciiSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 127)];
    NSCharacterSet *invertedAscii = [asciiSet invertedSet];

    // if the string contains non-ascii characters, we need to encode them
    // otherwise, we'll just return the string below
    if ([string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:invertedAscii].location != NSNotFound) {

        // because the % sign is, itself, an ascii character, we must first replace it
        // with a placeholder unlikely to occur in a string, but still within ascii
        NSString *percentPlaceholder = @"QqQxXxPpP";
        string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"%" withString:percentPlaceholder];

        // use Apple's method to percent encode the string
        string = [string stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:asciiSet];

        // replace those percents with = signs
        string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"%" withString:@"="];

        // and restore the true percent symbols
        string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:percentPlaceholder withString:@"%"];

    return string;

(建立在這個答案的基礎上,從bensnider解碼QP 字符串)

好吧,我不會遵循這種編碼的所有規范。 假設你沒有拖尾空格、換行符和其他不好的東西,這里是你需要的代碼:

@interface NSString(QuotedPrintable)

- (NSString *)quotedPrintable;


@implementation NSString(QuotedPrintable)

- (NSString *)quotedPrintable {
    const char *utfString = [self UTF8String];
    char *p = utfString;
    NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];

    while (*p) {
        char chars[2];
        char c = *p;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            int val = ((int)c & 15);
            if (val < 10) {
                chars[i] = '0'+val;
            } else {
                chars[i] = 'A'+(val-10);
            c = c >> 4;
        [result appendFormat:@"=%c%c", chars[1], chars[0]];
    return [NSString stringWithString:result];




- (NSString *)quotedPrintableString
    NSMutableString *encoded = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:3*[self length]];
    const char *characters = [self UTF8String];
    NSUInteger length = strlen(characters);
    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        char character = characters[i];
        int left = character & 0xF;
        int right = (character >> 4) & 0xF;
        [encoded appendFormat:@"=%X%X", right, left];
    return encoded;

用這個 -

NSString *yourString = @"Hello world";
const char *utfString = [yourString UTF8String];
NSSTring* finalEncodedString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:utfString];

現在打印“finalEncodedString”,它現在是 UTF8 編碼的字符串。

試試[NSString stringWithUTF8String:yourString];

NSString *yourString = @"Hello world";
char *utfString = [yourString UTF8String];


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