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如何按其中包含的數字對 NSStrings 數組進行排序? (按升序排列)

[英]How to sort an array of NSStrings by the number contained within? (in ascending order)

我想知道是否可以根據其中包含的數值對 NSStrings 的 NSArray 進行排序。 基本上它是進程 ID 和進程名稱的列表,我想根據進程 ID 對進程進行排序。 數組如下所示:

"286             Google Chrome He",
"1209             ibtool",
"0             kernel_task",
"1             launchd",
"10             kextd",
"11             notifyd",
"12             diskarbitrationd",
"13             configd",
"14             syslogd",
"15             DirectoryService",
"16             distnoted",
"18             ntpd",
"22             SystemStarter",
"25             securityd",
"28             mds",
"29             mDNSResponder",
"30             loginwindow",
"31             KernelEventAgent",
"33             hidd",
"34             fseventsd",
"36             dynamic_pager",
"42             blued",
"43             autofsd",
"46             WDSmartWareD",
"47             WDDMService",
"61             coreservicesd",
"62             WindowServer",
"71             HWPortCfg",
"72             HWNetCfg",
"159             socketfilterfw",
"165             cvmsServ",
"177             coreaudiod",
"191             vmnet-bridge",
"196             vmnet-dhcpd",
"198             vmnet-netifup",
"200             vmnet-dhcpd",
"204             vmnet-natd",
"206             vmnet-netifup",
"220             launchd",
"224             Dock",
"225             SystemUIServer",
"226             Finder",
"228             pboard",
"229             fontd",
"240             UserEventAgent",
"247             AirPort Base Sta",
"252             iprint-listener",
"253             StatusMenu",
"254             Dropbox",
"271             dbfseventsd",
"275             Google Chrome",
"295             Google Chrome He",
"298             AppleSpell",
"634             Google Chrome He",
"696             Google Chrome He",
"730             Microsoft Word",
"733             Microsoft Databa",
"736             Microsoft AU Dae",
"1095             usbmuxd",
"1110             Xcode",
"1171             Interface Builde",
"1282             Interface Builde",
"1283             Interface Builde",
"1475             Google Chrome He",
"1531             Google Chrome He",
"1533             Google Chrome He",
"1681             Google Chrome He",
"1682             Google Chrome He",
"1686             Google Chrome He",
"1687             Google Chrome He",
"1692             Google Chrome He",
"1945             Google Chrome He",
"2088             Keynote",
"2268             Google Chrome He",
"2326             Google Chrome He",
"2481             Google Chrome He",
"2545             Google Chrome He",
"2596             Google Chrome He",
"2766             mdworker",
"2933             Google Chrome He",
"2963             iPhone Simulator",
"2967             SimulatorBridge",
"2970             lsd",
"2971             SpringBoard",
"2982             ocspd",
"2998             installd",
"3000             TableViewControl",
"3001             taskgated",
"3002             gdb-i386-apple-d"



NSSortDescriptor *sort = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"integerValue" ascending:YES];
NSArray *sortedArray = [originalArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sort]];

是的,您可以使用以下 NSArray 實例方法:

- (NSArray *)sortedArrayUsingFunction:(NSInteger (*)(id, id, void *))comparator context:(void *)context

您需要定義一個 int function,它需要三個 arguments:兩個要比較的數組元素和一個上下文。 它返回一個 NSComparisonResult(-1、0 或 1)。 例如:

NSInteger firstWordIntCompare(id stringLeft, id stringRight, void *context)
    // Extract number from stringLeft and stringRight
    NSArray *wordsLeft = [stringLeft componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
    NSArray *wordsRight = [stringRight componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
    NSString *firstWordLeft = wordsLeft.count ? [wordsLeft objectAtIndex:0] : nil;
    NSString *firstWordRight = wordsRight.count ? [wordsRight objectAtIndex:0] : nil;
    int intLeft = [firstWordLeft intValue];
    int intRight = [firstWordRight intValue];

    if (intLeft < intRight)
        return NSOrderedAscending;
    else if (intLeft > intRight)
        return NSOrderedDescending;
        return NSOrderedSame;

然后通過使用 function 調用 NSArray 方法返回排序后的數組:

NSArray *sortedArray = [origArray sortedArrayUsingFunction:firstWordIntCompare context:NULL];


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