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[英]How to handle AsyncTask failure

是否有一種特定的方法來處理AsyncTask中的故障? 據我所知,唯一的方法是使用任務的返回值。 如果可能的話,我希望能夠提供有關失敗的更多細節,並且null不是很冗長。


class DownloadAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {

    /** this would be cool if it existed */
    protected void onError(Exception ex) {

    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
    try {
            ... download ...
        } catch (IOException e) {
            setError(e); // maybe like this?

您可以簡單地將異常保存在字段中並在onPostExecute()檢查(以確保在UI線程上運行任何錯誤處理代碼)。 就像是:

new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean>() {
    Exception error;

    protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {
        try {
             // do work
             return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            error = e;

            return false;

    protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {
        if (result) {
            Toast.makeText(ctx, "Success!",
         } else {
            if (error != null) {
                Toast.makeText(ctx, error.getMessage(),




class ErrorHandlingAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<..., ..., ...> {

    private Exception exception = null;

    protected abstract void onResult(Result result);

    protected abstract void onException(Exception e);

    protected abstract ... realDoInBackground(...);

    final protected void onPostExecute(Result result) {
        if(result != null) {
        } else {

    protected ... doInBackground(...) {
        try {
            return realDoInBackground(...);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            exception = e;
        return null;

我一直在做的是創建一個新的Object(你可以稱之為AsyncTaskResult或任何你喜歡的東西),它可以通過doInBackground返回。 這個對象有兩件事:

  1. 預期結果(示例中的字符串)
  2. 錯誤代碼,甚至是你想要的,Exception對象本身或它的包裝版本。 任何基本上可以幫助您處理錯誤的事情



     public class AsyncTaskResult<T extends Object> {
            Exception exception;
            T asyncTaskResult;

            public void setResult(T asyncTaskResult) {
                this.asyncTaskResult = asyncTaskResult;

            public T getResult() {
                return asyncTaskResult;

            public void setException(Exception exception) {
                this.exception = exception;

            public boolean hasException() {
                return exception != null;

            public Exception getException() {
                return exception;


    /** this would be cool if it existed */
    protected void onError(Exception ex) {
        // handle error...

    protected AsyncTaskResult<String> doInBackground(String... params) {
        AsyncTaskResult<String> result = new AsyncTaskResult<String>();
        try {
            // ... download ...
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return result;

    protected void onPostExecute(AsyncTaskResult<String> result) {
        if(result.hasException()) {
            // handle error here...
        } else {
            // deal with the result

您可以通過創建AsyncTask的子類來輕松地自己完成此AsyncTask 也許像ErrorHandlingAsyncTask東西。 首先在onException(Exception e)創建一個抽象回調方法。 您的doInBackground(Generic... params)方法應將其所有代碼包裝在try-catch塊中。 catch塊中,調用傳遞onException(Exception e)



class ErrorHandlingAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<..., ..., ...> {
    protected abstract void onException(Exception e);

    protected abstract ... realDoInBackground(...);

    protected ... doInBackground(...) {
        try {
            return realDoInBackground(...);
        } catch(Exception e) {



public abstract class HandledAsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result> extends
        AsyncTask<Params, Progress, ResultOrException<Result>> {

     * Wraps the calling of the {@link #doTask(Object[])} method, also handling
     * the exceptions possibly thrown.
    protected final ResultOrException<Result> doInBackground(Params... params) {
        try {
            Result res = doTask(params);
            return new ResultOrException<Result>(res);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new ResultOrException<Result>(e);

     * Override this method to perform a computation on a background thread. The
     * specified parameters are the parameters passed to
     * {@link #doTask(Object[])} by the caller of this task. This method can
     * call {@link #publishProgress(Object...)} to publish updates on the UI
     * thread.
     * @param params
     *            The parameters of the task.
     * @return A result, defined by the subclass of this task.
    protected abstract Result doTask(Params[] params);

     * Handles calling the {@link #onSuccess(Object)} and
     * {@link #onFailure(Exception)} methods.
    protected final void onPostExecute(ResultOrException<Result> result) {
        if (result.getException() != null) {
        } else {

     * Called when an exception was thrown in {@link #doTask(Object[])}. Handled
     * in the background thread.
     * @param exception
     *            The thrown exception
    protected void onBackgroundException(Exception exception) {

     * Called when the {@link #doTask(Object[])} method finished executing with
     * no exceptions thrown.
     * @param result
     *            The result returned from {@link #doTask(Object[])}
    protected void onSuccess(Result result) {

     * Called when an exception was thrown in {@link #doTask(Object[])}. Handled
     * in the foreground thread.
     * @param exception
     *            The thrown exception
    protected void onFailure(Exception exception) {

class ResultOrException<TResult> {

     * The possibly thrown exception
    Exception   mException;

     * The result, if no exception was thrown
    TResult     mResult;

     * @param exception
     *            The thrown exception
    public ResultOrException(Exception exception) {
        mException = exception;

     * @param result
     *            The result returned from the method
    public ResultOrException(TResult result) {
        mResult = result;

     * @return the exception
    public Exception getException() {
        return mException;

     * @param exception
     *            the exception to set
    public void setException(Exception exception) {
        mException = exception;

     * @return the result
    public TResult getResult() {
        return mResult;

     * @param result
     *            the result to set
        public void setResult(TResult result) {
            mResult = result;


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