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致命錯誤:在第15行的/home/wubb/public_html/facebook/fbml.php中調用未定義的方法Facebook :: require_frame()

[英]Fatal error: Call to undefined method Facebook::require_frame() in /home/wubb/public_html/facebook/fbml.php on line 15

我正在嘗試在我的網站中整合Facebook的好友邀請。 我正在使用php。 我包括了代碼:

// Get these from http://developers.facebook.com
$api_key = 'xxx';
$secret  = 'xxx';
// Names and links
$app_name = "Application name";
$app_url = "app-url"; // Assumes application is at http://apps.facebook.com/app-url/
$invite_href = "invite.php"; // Rename this as needed
require_once 'facebook.php';
$facebook = new Facebook($api_key, $secret);
$user = $facebook->require_login();
if(isset($_POST["ids"])) {
    echo "<center>Thank you for inviting ".sizeof($_POST["ids"])." of your friends on <b><a href=\"http://apps.facebook.com/".$app_url."/\">".$app_name."</a></b>.<br><br>\n";
    echo "<h2><a href=\"http://apps.facebook.com/".$app_url."/\">Click here to return to ".$app_name."</a>.</h2></center>";
} else {
    // Retrieve array of friends who've already authorized the app.
    $fql = 'SELECT uid FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1='.$user.') AND is_app_user = 1';
    $_friends = $facebook->api_client->fql_query($fql);
    // Extract the user ID's returned in the FQL request into a new array.
    $friends = array();
    if (is_array($_friends) && count($_friends)) {
        foreach ($_friends as $friend) {
            $friends[] = $friend['uid'];
    // Convert the array of friends into a comma-delimeted string.
    $friends = implode(',', $friends);
    // Prepare the invitation text that all invited users will receive.
    $content =
        "<fb:name uid=\"".$user."\" firstnameonly=\"true\" shownetwork=\"false\"/> has started using <a href=\"http://apps.facebook.com/".$app_url."/\">".$app_name."</a> and thought it's so cool even you should try it out!\n".
        "<fb:req-choice url=\"".$facebook->get_add_url()."\" label=\"Put ".$app_name." on your profile\"/>";
    action="<? echo $invite_href; ?>"
    type="<? echo $app_name; ?>"
    content="<? echo htmlentities($content,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8'); ?>">
        actiontext="Here are your friends who don't have <? echo $app_name; ?> yet. Invite whoever you want -it's free!"
        exclude_ids="<? echo $friends; ?>" />


致命錯誤:調用未定義的方法Facebook :: require_frame()

誰能建議哪個版本包含此功能或如何解決此問題。 我已經浪費了很多時間來解決這個問題。 因此,請盡快做出回應。


確保您使用的是最新版本的php sdk: https : //github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk 這里有一個非常容易遵循的指南,可以幫助您入門: https : //developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/php/


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