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具有類值的Java hashmap

[英]java hashmap with a class value

我需要將TDSContent存儲到指定String鍵的哈希圖中。 我需要做這樣的事情。

public class Target {
    public Target() {
        final int a = 0x64c896;
        final int b = 0xc050be;
        final int c = 0xffc896;

        TDS = new HashMap<String, TDSContent>();

        TDSContent contentMA = new TDSContent(a, b, c, 10);
        TDSContent contentMB = new TDSContent(a, c, b, 10);
        TDSContent contentMC = new TDSContent(b, a, c, 10);
        TDSContent contentMD = new TDSContent(c, b, a, 10);
        TDSContent contentME = new TDSContent(c, a, b, 10);
        TDSContent contentMF = new TDSContent(b, c, a, 10);
        ... // and so on...

        TDS.put("Marker A", contentMA);
        TDS.put("Marker B", contentMB);
        TDS.put("Marker C", contentMC);
        TDS.put("Marker D", contentMD);
        TDS.put("Marker E", contentME);
        TDS.put("Marker F", contentMF);
            ... // and so on...

    public int getCL(String key) {
        TDSContent tdc = TDS.get(key);

        if(tdc.equals(contentMA)) {
            return contentMA.getValue();
        } else if(tdc.equals(contentMB)) {
            return contentMB.getValue();
        } else if(tdc.equals(contentMC)) {
            return contentMC.getValue();
        } else if(tdc.equals(contentMD)) {
            return contentMD.getValue();
        } else if(tdc.equals(contentME)) {
            return contentME.getValue();
        } else if(tdc.equals(contentMF)) {
            return contentMF.getValue();
        } ...// and so on...

             else {
            return contentMD.getValue();



public class Target {
    public Target() {
        final int a = 0x64c896;
        final int b = 0xc050be;
        final int c = 0xffc896;

        TDS = new HashMap<String, TDSContent>();

           // form: new TDSContent(CL, CM, CR, D);
        TDS.put("Marker A", new TDSContent(a, b, c, 10));
        TDS.put("Marker B", new TDSContent(a, c, b, 10));
                ... // and so on..

    public int getCL(String key) {
           // this method gets the first parameter of the TDSContent
           // constructor (see comment above).
        return TDS.get(key).getValue();

    public int getCM(String key) {
    ... // similar to getCL but returns the second parameter of the TDSContent
        // constructor (see comment above)

...在getCL() ,獲取和getCL()的實例化[?]值?


Target target = new Target();
int x1 = target.getCL("Marker A"); // I should get 0x64c896 here
int x2 = target.getCM("Marker A"); // I should get 0xc050be here


當然,只要匹配您在映射到訪問器的TDSContent對象上調用的getXXX()方法即可。 假設您在每個構造函數參數的TDSContent上都有訪問器。

public int getCL(String key) {
    return TDS.get(key).getCL();

public int getCM(String key) {
    return TDS.get(key).getCM();

public int getCR(String key) {
    return TDS.get(key).getCR();

public int getD(String key) {
    return TDS.get(key).getD();


我不太了解getCL的第一個實現的getCL ,似乎完全破壞了首先擁有地圖的目的。 (我看不到TDS在哪里聲明,僅在分配。)


putTds("Marker B", tds(a, c, b, 10));

創建getCLgetCM helper方法的想法很不錯,可以大大提高程序的可讀性。


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