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std :: lexical_cast-有這樣的事情嗎?

[英]std::lexical_cast - is there such a thing?

C ++標准庫是否定義了此功能,還是我必須訴諸Boost?



C ++ 11 <string>具有內置類型的std::to_string

[n3290: 21.5/7]:

 string to_string(int val); string to_string(unsigned val); string to_string(long val); string to_string(unsigned long val); string to_string(long long val); string to_string(unsigned long long val); string to_string(float val); string to_string(double val); string to_string(long double val); 

返回值:每個函數都返回一個string對象,其中包含其參數值的字符表示,該string值可通過調用格式為"%d""%u""%ld" "%u" sprintf(buf, fmt, val)生成"%ld""%lu""%lld""%llu""%f""%f""%Lf" ,其中buf表示足夠大的內部字符緩沖區。


[n3290: 21.5/1, 21.5/4]:

 int stoi(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0, int base = 10); long stol(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0, int base = 10); unsigned long stoul(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0, int base = 10); long long stoll(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0, int base = 10); unsigned long long stoull(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0, int base = 10); float stof(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0); double stod(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0); long double stold(const string& str, size_t *idx = 0); 

但是,沒有任何泛型可以使用(至少要等到TR2才可以使用!),而在C ++ 03中則什么也沒有。

不,即使在C ++ 11中也不是,但是建議將其包含在技​​術報告2中,這是下一整套std庫擴展。

沒有std :: lexical_cast,但是您始終可以對stringstreams做類似的事情:

template <typename T>
T lexical_cast(const std::string& str)
    T var;
    std::istringstream iss;
    iss >> var;
    // deal with any error bits that may have been set on the stream
    return var;



// Works with all the C++11 features and AFAIK faster then boost or standard c++11
std::string string_num = fmt::format_int(123456789).str(); // or .c_str()



format("{0}, {1}, {2}", 'a', 'b', 'c');
// Result: "a, b, c"
format("{}, {}, {}", 'a', 'b', 'c');
// Result: "a, b, c"
format("{2}, {1}, {0}", 'a', 'b', 'c');
// Result: "c, b, a"
format("{0}{1}{0}", "abra", "cad");  // arguments' indices can be repeated
// Result: "abracadabra"


format("{:<30}", "left aligned");
// Result: "left aligned                  "
format("{:>30}", "right aligned");
// Result: "                 right aligned"
format("{:^30}", "centered");
// Result: "           centered           "
format("{:*^30}", "centered");  // use '*' as a fill char
// Result: "***********centered***********"

替換%+ f,%-f和%f並指定一個符號:

format("{:+f}; {:+f}", 3.14, -3.14);  // show it always
// Result: "+3.140000; -3.140000"
format("{: f}; {: f}", 3.14, -3.14);  // show a space for positive numbers
// Result: " 3.140000; -3.140000"
format("{:-f}; {:-f}", 3.14, -3.14);  // show only the minus -- same as '{:f}; {:f}'
// Result: "3.140000; -3.140000"


format("int: {0:d};  hex: {0:x};  oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
// Result: "int: 42;  hex: 2a;  oct: 52; bin: 101010"
// with 0x or 0 or 0b as prefix:
format("int: {0:d};  hex: {0:#x};  oct: {0:#o};  bin: {0:#b}", 42);
// Result: "int: 42;  hex: 0x2a;  oct: 052;  bin: 0b101010"


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