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更換 <br /> 與\\ n

[英]Replacing <br /> with \n

我正在玩此頁面: http : //www.problemio.com/problems/problem.php?problem_id=228

要重現該問題,請使用以下身份登錄:testing@problemio.com / testing

然后,單擊“評論”選項卡,然后在“編輯”選項卡中看到該選項的任何地方單擊“編輯”。 您將看到<br />仍然存在,但是要創建該編輯表單,以下是我用來為該表單創建html的JavaScript:

// Edit comment
$('.edit_comment').live('click' , function() 
    // Showing the wait image

    var problem_id = $(this).attr("data-problem_id");
    var problem_comment_id = $(this).attr("data-problem_comment_id");  
    var problem_comment_text = $(this).attr("data-problem_text");

    // problem_comment_text_'.$problem_comment_id.'
    var div_name = "problem_comment_text_" + problem_comment_id;
        //var dataString = 'problem_id='+ problem_id + '&problem_comment_id=' + problem_comment_id;

    // Now validate the input
        if( problem_id == '' || problem_comment_id == '' )
            // Check if the person is logged in.
            // Now check if the person is logged in.
                type: "POST",
                url: "/auth/check_login.php",
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data)

                    // 1) close that piece of HTML
                    $("#" + div_name).hide();  // Works

                    problem_comment_text = problem_comment_text.replace(/\n/g,"<br />");

                // 2) Make an HTML form and display it in that piece of HTML
                var new_comment_form = "<form id='add_comment' method='post'><textarea name='problem_comment' cols=60 rows=6 id='problem_comment'>" + problem_comment_text + "</textarea><input type='hidden' id='problem_id' name='problem_id' value='" + problem_id + "' /><input type='hidden' id='problem_comment_id' value='" + problem_comment_id + "' /><input type='submit' class='button' value='Edit Message' /><input type='button' class='button' id='cancel_comment' data-problem_id='" + problem_id + "' value='Cancel' /></form>";

                // Now replace the current form with the crap I made above.
                $("#" + div_name).html( new_comment_form );  // Works
                $("#" + div_name).show(  );  // Works

                // 3) Hide the other text area form.
                $("#comment_bottom_text").hide(); // TODO - MAKE THIS WORK
            error: function(json) // Error for checking if user is logged in.
                // Showing the wait image


                return false;           

 return false;

因此,您看到我嘗試用\\n替換<br /> ,並且可以正常工作,但是如果再次使用相同的注釋執行相同的操作,則會在其中放置</a>標記。 知道為什么會發生以及如何阻止它嗎? 這很奇怪,因為它是第二次編輯評論,而不是第一次。


problem_comment_text.replace(/<br>/gi, '\n');



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