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[英]Constructors in PHP-Codeigniter



我可以使用構造函數來做一些會影響codeigniter / php中所有其他功能的事情嗎?


class New extends CI_Controller
 function __construct()


//Constructor codes...

 function Create_page()  //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied. 
 function Edit_page()      //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied.
function Delete_page()  //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied.
function about_us()   //This is a public action no need to Log in 
   // this is a pulic action ,no need to check the login status

如您所見,我需要檢查每個Private功能上的Loged in狀態,

有什么辦法可以在構造函數上執行此操作嗎? 這樣構造函數將檢查是否已登錄....但是只需要影響某些功能...


  • 定義哪些方法需要登錄,哪些不需要。
  • 檢測當前的方法調用。
  • 如果需要,請登錄,否則登錄。

class New extends CI_Controller

  var $publicMethods  = array("aboutUs"); 

 function __construct()


//Constructor codes...


 function _validateLogin()
    $router = &load_class('Router');
    $currentMethod = $router->fetch_method();
    if(in_array($currentMethod,$this->publicMethods) == false){
       // call some login functionality

 function Create_page()  //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied. 
 function Edit_page()      //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied.
function Delete_page()  //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied.
function about_us()   //This is a public action no need to Log in 
   // this is a pulic action ,no need to check the login status


  1. 我制作了一個名為“ MY_Controller”的新核心類,該類擴展了CI控制器類。
  2. 我編寫了一個doAuth()方法,該方法對用戶進行身份驗證或將其重新路由到登錄控制器。
  3. 現在我從所有方法中調用此方法,女巫必須安全


如果您為構造函數提供密碼和用戶名,然后檢查是否將其日志記錄保存在var(true / false)中

class newclass{

 public function __construct($username,$password){

  $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE user = '".$username."' AND pass = '".$password."'");
  if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0){ // if username and password match in database your loggend in
   $this->loginCheck = true;
  else{ // if not match not logged in
   $this->loginCheck = false;
 }//end constructor

 public function another(){
   return "logged in";
   return "nog logged in";

 }// end another function

}//end class

$class = new newclass($user,$pass);
echo $class->another();

要回答您的問題,可以的。 創建庫並添加一個函數,就像我在下面所做的那樣,然后在構造函數中加載該庫並調用該函數。 我假設您在會話中用戶登錄到您的站點(如user_login)時設置了信號。 希望這能回答您的問題。

// Place this function in the user library
  $obj = get_instance();
   if($obj->session->userdata('user_logged') != true):
  // redirect to login page
class New extends CI_Controller
 function __construct()


//Constructor codes...
//load the library,
// call the function name


 function Create_page()  //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied. 
 function Edit_page()      //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied.
function Delete_page()  //The user need to be Logged in to perform this
 //Checking whether the user logged in or not if yes allowed else denied.
function about_us()   //This is a public action no need to Log in 
   // this is a pulic action ,no need to check the login status

基本上,您應該將那些要由登錄用戶使用的私有方法與可以由所有人訪問的公共方法分開。 而且,如果您確實想這樣做,則可以執行以下方法。 此外,您可以修改auth_method()以通過更多身份驗證來滿足您的需求。

class Page extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct()

public function create_page()
    // ...

public function edit_page()
    // ...

public function delete_page()
    // ...

public function about_us()
    echo 'About Us Page';

private function auth_method()
    $protected_methods  = array('create_page', 'edit_page', 'delete_page');
    $segs   = $this->uri->segment_array();
    $method = isset($segs[1]) ? trim($segs[1]) : 'index';
    if(in_array($method, $protected_methods))
        exit("Access Denied.");



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