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在Eclipse上運行Google App Engine應用程序時出現HTTP錯誤500

[英]HTTP ERROR 500 while running google app engine application on eclipse


問題訪問/。 原因:

 java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target 51 in method todo.Dao.add(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V at offset 5 ...... 

上面提到的是我遇到的錯誤,我嘗試在“窗口->首選項->已安裝的JRE->並添加默認參數”中添加新的默認變量-XX:-UseSplitVerifier。 仍然出現相同的錯誤。 如果有人知道有關此問題的信息,請提供幫助



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<target name="help" description="Lists different targets in the build file">
    <echo>Target             --- Description</echo>
    <echo>copyjars           --- Copies the App Engine JARs to the WAR</echo>
    <echo>compile            --- Compiles Java source files and copies other source files to the WAR.</echo>
    <echo>datanucleusenhance --- Performs JDO enhancement on compiled data classes.</echo>
    <echo>runserver          --- Starts the development server.</echo>
    <echo>update_indexes     --- Uploads just the datastore index configuration to App Engine.</echo>
    <echo>rollback           --- Rolls back an interrupted application update.</echo>
    <echo>request_logs       --- Downloads log data from App Engine for the application.</echo>


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