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[英]Update database field in ruby on rails


我當前的系統在md5上運行,我想將其更改為BCrypt + salt

我的問題是,當一個舊用戶(其密碼在md5中散列的用戶)使用他的舊密碼登錄時,我想自動將密碼更改為數據庫中的BCrypt + salt。

       if // check if the password stored in bcrypt
        salt = IDA::Config.get_configuration('salt')
        hash_password = BCrypt::Password.new(hash)
         return (BCrypt::Password.create(salt['salt_value']+password) == (salt['salt_value']+password)) ? true : false

      else // for users who's password encrypted in md5.

        salt = IDA::Config.get_configuration('salt') // i"m getting a salt here 
         BCrypt::Password.create(salt['salt_value']+password) // Im getting a salted bcryptted password  and I tried to put this into db manually and try to login it works perfectly
          // I want to write this new salted password into db once the user is authenticated with his old password
        return (Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password) == hash) ? true : false

我想在模型中寫這個。任何幫助將不勝感激。 謝謝


其次,您真正想要的是一種重新散列所有記錄敏感數據(我假設的密碼)的方法。 因此,這是您的工作:

  1. 在模型中添加一個字段,例如“ is_bcrypt?” 和布爾值。
  2. 編寫並運行:

# First we need to make sure the bcrypt library is there
require 'bcrypt'

# Gather all of the records
records = YourModel.all

# Go over each of the records
records.each do |record|
  # Check to see if the record has a bcrypt'ed password
  unless record.is_bcrypt?
    # If it doesn't take the value of password, unhash it, rehash it
    record.password = BCrypt::Password.create Digest::MD5.hexdigest password

    # If it saves correctly, mark the thing as being rehashed
    record.is_bcrypt = true if record.save

有關詳細信息,請參見評論。 新字段is_bcrypt只是這樣,您可以知道哪些記錄已被哈希處理,哪些尚未被哈希處理。 僅當他們也確實保存時才會發生。



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