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C ++條件變量中的boost Synchronized Queue不會在其他線程上通知等待類方法

[英]boost Synchronized Queue in C++ condition variable doesn't notify waiting class method on other thread

我正在嘗試使用boost線程庫實現帶有條件變量的同步隊列,就像這里的示例 - >( ImplementingThreadSafeQueue )。

背景/目的 :我正在編寫一個Windows服務作為高級設計項目的一部分。 在整個服務中,我希望有各種級別的日志記錄(包括文件和Windows事件查看器),我也使用自己的“EventTimer”包裝器圍繞“CreateTimerQueueTimer”函數來創建定時事件,如報告服務心跳。 我的想法是將消息對象推送到同步隊列,並讓記錄器類在其自己的線程上觀察隊列,等待執行各種日志記錄任務。 為簡單起見,我現在只測試字符串。

問題 :記錄器線程在屬於日志記錄類的方法上運行,以從隊列中獲取工作項。 如果我從類外部將內容推送到隊列中,讓我們從EventTimer線程或甚至從MAIN線程中提取,則記錄器永遠不會收到隊列中新項目的通知。 但是,如果我創建屬於logger類的兩個線程並使用其中一個線程將某些東西推送到隊列中,則記錄器將看到它並進行響應。 我想讓任何線程能夠向隊列中添加內容並讓記錄器收到新項目的通知。

我的代碼如下。 任何幫助,將不勝感激。 感謝您的時間!



// Include Files
#include <boost\noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost\thread.hpp>
#include <queue>

namespace GSMV

/// Class: SynchronizedQueue
/// @Brief
/// SynchronizedQueue is a thread safe STL Queue wrapper that waits on Dequeue and 
/// notifies a listening thread on Enqueue. It is not copyable.
template <typename T>
class SynchronizedQueue : private boost::noncopyable 
    struct Canceled{};

    /// Function: Constructor
    /// @Brief
    /// Default constructor for the SynchronizedQueue object.
      // Queue is not canceled to start with
      this->mCanceled = false;       

      // Nobody waiting yet
      this->mWaiting = 0;

    /// Function: Enqueue
    /// @Param const T &item: Item of type T to add to queue. 
    /// @Brief
    /// Adds an item of type T to the queue notifying via a condition.
        void Enqueue(const T &item)
      bool enqueued = false;

      // acquire lock on the queue
      boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

      // add item to the queue

      // notify others that queue has a new item

    /// Function: Dequeue
    /// @Return
    /// Item of type T from front of queue. 
    /// @Brief
    /// Returns an item of type T from the queue and deletes the front of the queue. Thread
    /// will wait on an empty queue until it is signaled via Enqueue.
        T Dequeue(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
      boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

      // one more thread is waiting on this item

      // if the queue is empty, wait until an item is added
      // lock is released inside the wait
      // lock is re-acquired after the wait
            while (this->mQueue.empty())

      // the thread is done waiting now

      // retrieve and remove the item from the queue
            T item = this->mQueue.front();

            return item;
      // lock is released

    /// Function: GetSize
    /// @Return
    /// The current size of the queue (number of items in the queue). 
    /// @Brief
    /// Returns the number of items contained in the queue.
        int GetSize(void) 
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

            return this->mQueue.size();
      // lock is released

    /// Function: IsEmpty
    /// @Return
    /// Boolean queue is empty. 
    /// @Brief
    /// Returns true if queue is empty false otherwise.
        bool IsEmpty(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

            return this->mQueue.empty();
      // lock is released

    void Cancel(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

      this->mCanceled = true;

      // notify all others that queue has a new item

      while (0 < this->mWaiting)

    void Reset(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // reset the canceled arguement
      this->mCanceled = false;

    bool mCanceled;
    int mWaiting;
        std::queue<T> mQueue; // the STL Queue
        boost::mutex mMutex;  // the mutex object
        boost::condition_variable mItemAvailable; // the signal condition

} // Namespace GSMV



#ifndef _LOGGER_H_
#define _LOGGER_H_

#include "SynchronizedQueue.h"
#include <string>
#include <boost\thread.hpp>

namespace GSMV

static SynchronizedQueue<std::string> logQ;

class Logger

    bool Start(void);
    bool Stop(void);
    bool IsRunning(void) const;
    void LoggerWorkThread(void);

    boost::thread* mpLoggerThread;

} // Namespace GSMV

// FILE END - logger.h //

#include "Logger.h"

using namespace GSMV;

  this->mpLoggerThread = NULL;


bool Logger::Start(void)
  bool started = this->IsRunning();

  if (!started)
    this->mpLoggerThread = new boost::thread(&Logger::LoggerWorkThread, this);
    started = (NULL != this->mpLoggerThread);

  return started;

bool Logger::Stop(void)
  bool stopped = !this->IsRunning();

  if (!stopped)

    delete this->mpLoggerThread;
    this->mpLoggerThread = NULL;

    stopped = true;

  return stopped;

bool Logger::IsRunning(void) const
  return (NULL != this->mpLoggerThread);

void Logger::LoggerWorkThread(void)
  std::cout << "Enter Logger Work Thread\n" << std::endl;

  while (this->IsRunning())
    std::cout << "LOG: wait for Q..." << std::endl;
    std::string s = logQ.Dequeue();
    std::cout << "LOG: Got item! => " << s << std::endl;


  std::cout << "Exit Logger Work Thread\n" << std::endl;

因此,使用上面的代碼,我將創建一個logger對象並調用Start()方法。 理想情況下,它會啟動一個循環的新線程,檢查隊列中的字符串項,直到調用Stop()方法。 所以回到我的main函數中我可以將字符串推送到隊列中並且記錄器應該得到它們,但是記錄器永遠不會得到通知。 如果重要,則隊列在Logger頭文件中聲明為“static SynchronizedQueue logQ”。 再次,我將在此感謝任何建議。 謝謝!



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