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[英]How do I access an inline element inside a loop in lxml?


# get the raw HTML
fruitsWebsite = lxml.html.parse( "http://pagetoscrape.com/data.html" )

# get all divs with class fruit 
fruits = fruitsWebsite.xpath( '//div[@class="fruit"]' )

# Print the name of this fruit (obtained from an <em> in the fruit div)
for fruit in fruits:
    print fruit.xpath('//li[@class="fruit"]/em')[0].text

但是,Python解釋器抱怨0是一個超出邊界的迭代器。 這很有趣,因為我確信元素存在。 使用lxml訪問內部<em>元素的正確方法是什么?


import lxml.html

# get the raw HTML
fruitsWebsite = lxml.html.parse('test.html')

# get all divs with class fruit 
fruits = fruitsWebsite.xpath('//div[@class="fruit"]')

# Print the name of this fruit (obtained from an <em> in the fruit div)
for fruit in fruits:
    #Use a relative path so we don't find ALL of the li/em elements several times. Note the .//
    for item in fruit.xpath('.//li[@class="fruit"]/em'):

for item in fruit.xpath('//div[@class="fruit"]//li[@class="fruit"]/em'):

這是我以前再次測試的html文件。 如果這對你再次測試的html不起作用,你需要發布一個我在上面的評論中請求失敗的示例文件。

Blah blah
<div>Ignore me</div>
<div>Outer stuff
    <div class='fruit'>Some <em>FRUITY</em> stuff.
        <li class='fruit'><em>This</em> should show</li>
        <li><em>Super</em> Ignored LI</li>
        <li class='fruit'><em>Rawr</em> Hear it roar.</li>
<div class='fruit'><em>Super</em> fruity website of awesome</div>

使用最初發布的代碼肯定會獲得太多結果(內部循環將搜索整個樹而不是每個“水果”的子樹)。 除非您的輸入與我理解的不同,否則您描述的錯誤沒有多大意義。


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