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Salesforce REST API 登錄?

[英]Salesforce REST API Login?

我正在檢查 salesforce 開發人員站點中的一個示例。

在該示例中,當我們單擊鏈接時,它將被重定向到 Salesforce 登錄頁面。 如果登錄成功,則會發出訪問令牌。

我不希望我的應用程序重定向到 Salesforce 登錄頁面。 在現有示例中,環境變量設置為,


我應該怎么做才能避免重定向到 Salesforce 登錄頁面。

您所描述的內容聽起來像 OAuth(只是因為您提到了訪問令牌)。

下面是在 Salesforce 中使用 OAuth 的一個很好的例子......



大家好,我已經找到了解決我的問題的方法。 實際上,我正在檢查鏈接http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Getting_Started_with_the_Force.com_REST_API 中給出的示例。 然后實現了來自https://login.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/remoteaccess_oauth_username_password_flow.htm#send_up_response 的OAuth 2.0 用戶名-密碼流。 它解決了我的問題。

這是使用用戶名-密碼 OAuth 流程的示例 Java 代碼:

public class AccountQuery 
    // The connection data
    private static final String query = "SELECT Name, Idfrom Account";
    private static final String clientId = "theID";
    private static final String clientSecret = "theSecret";
    // THis is meaningless in our context
    private static final String redirectUri = "https://localhost:8443/_callback";
    private static final String environment = "https://login.salesforce.com";   
    private static String tokenUrl = null;
    private static final String username = "username";
    private static final String password = "passwordPlusSecret";
    private static String accessToken = null;
    private static String instanceUrl = null;

    public static void main( String[] args )
        // Step 0:  Connect to SalesForce.
        System.out.println("Getting a token");
        tokenUrl = environment + "/services/oauth2/token";
        HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
        PostMethod post = new PostMethod(tokenUrl);     
        post.addParameter("grant_type", "password");
        post.addParameter("client_id", clientId);
        post.addParameter("client_secret", clientSecret);
        post.addParameter("redirect_uri", redirectUri);
        post.addParameter("username", username);
        post.addParameter("password", password);

        try {
            try {
                JSONObject authResponse = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(new InputStreamReader(post.getResponseBodyAsStream())));
                System.out.println("Auth response: " + authResponse.toString(2));

                accessToken = authResponse.getString("access_token");
                instanceUrl = authResponse.getString("instance_url");

                System.out.println("Got access token: " + accessToken);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
        } catch (HttpException e1) {
        } catch (IOException e1) {
        } finally {
        System.out.println("We have an access token: " + accessToken + "\n" + "Using instance " + instanceUrl + "\n\n");

        HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
        GetMethod get = new GetMethod(instanceUrl + "/services/data/v28.0/query");

        // set the token in the header
        get.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "OAuth " + accessToken);

        // set the SOQL as a query param
        NameValuePair[] params = new NameValuePair[1];

        params[0] = new NameValuePair("q",query);

        try {
            if (get.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                // Now lets use the standard java json classes to work with the results
                JSONObject response = new JSONObject( new JSONTokener( new InputStreamReader(get.getResponseBodyAsStream())));
                System.out.println("Query response: "+ response.toString(2));//.substring(0, 500));                 
                System.out.println(response.getString("totalSize") + " record(s) returned\n\n");
                JSONArray results = response.getJSONArray("records");               
                Account[] accounts = new Gson().fromJson(results.toString(), Account[].class);
                return accounts;
        catch (Exception e){
        }finally {

對於 Java,最簡單的方法是使用 Spring Social Salesforce: https : //github.com/iirekm/spring-social-salesforce

只需按照https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-facebook/ 上的 Facebook 教程進行操作,簡而言之,將依賴項添加到 Spring Social Salesforce,並將代碼“facebook”中的所有位置替換為“salesforce”。


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