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將數字四舍五入到最接近的 5 的倍數

[英]Rounding up a number to nearest multiple of 5

有誰知道如何將一個數字四舍五入到最接近的 5 的倍數? 我找到了一種算法,可以將它四舍五入到最接近的 10 倍數,但我找不到這個。


double number = Math.round((len + 5)/ 10.0) * 10.0;


int round(double i, int v){
    return Math.round(i/v) * v;


int roundUp(int n) {
    return (n + 4) / 5 * 5;

注意 - YankeeWhiskey 的答案是四舍五入到最接近的倍數,這是四舍五入。 如果您需要它來處理負數,則需要進行修改。 請注意,整數除法后跟相同數字的整數乘法是向下舍入的方法。


double round( double num, int multipleOf) {
  return Math.floor((num + multipleOf/2) / multipleOf) * multipleOf;


class Round {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("3.5 round to 5: " + Round.round(3.5, 5));
        System.out.println("12 round to 6: " + Round.round(12, 6));
        System.out.println("11 round to 7: "+ Round.round(11, 7));
        System.out.println("5 round to 2: " + Round.round(5, 2));
        System.out.println("6.2 round to 2: " + Round.round(6.2, 2));

    public static double round(double num, int multipleOf) {
        return Math.floor((num +  (double)multipleOf / 2) / multipleOf) * multipleOf;


3.5 round to 5: 5.0
12 round to 6: 12.0
11 round to 7: 14.0
5 round to 2: 6.0
6.2 round to 2: 6.0
int roundUp(int num) {
    return (int) (Math.ceil(num / 5d) * 5);
int round(int num) {
    int temp = num%5;
    if (temp<3)
         return num-temp;
         return num+5-temp;
int roundUp(int num) {
    return ((num / 5) + (num % 5 > 0 ? 1 : 0)) * 5;
int getNextMultiple(int num , int multipleOf) {
    int nextDiff = multipleOf - (num % multipleOf);
    int total = num + nextDiff;
    return total;
 int roundToNearestMultiple(int num, int multipleOf){
        int floorNearest = ((int) Math.floor(num * 1.0/multipleOf)) * multipleOf;
        int ceilNearest = ((int) Math.ceil(num  * 1.0/multipleOf)) * multipleOf;
        int floorNearestDiff = Math.abs(floorNearest - num);
        int ceilNearestDiff = Math.abs(ceilNearest - num);
        if(floorNearestDiff <= ceilNearestDiff) {
            return floorNearest;
        } else {
            return ceilNearest;

這個 Kotlin 函數將給定值“x”四舍五入到最接近的“n”倍數

fun roundXN(x: Long, n: Long): Long {
    require(n > 0) { "n(${n}) is not greater than 0."}

    return if (x >= 0)
        ((x + (n / 2.0)) / n).toLong() * n
        ((x - (n / 2.0)) / n).toLong() * n

fun main() {


帶有擴展功能的 Kotlin。


import kotlin.math.roundToLong

fun Float.roundTo(roundToNearest: Float): Float = (this / roundToNearest).roundToLong() * roundToNearest

fun main() {    
    println(1.02F.roundTo(1F)) // 1.0
    println(1.9F.roundTo(1F)) // 2.0
    println(1.5F.roundTo(1F)) // 2.0

    println(1.02F.roundTo(0.5F)) // 1.0
    println(1.19F.roundTo(0.5F)) // 1.0
    println(1.6F.roundTo(0.5F)) // 1.5
    println(1.02F.roundTo(0.1F)) // 1.0
    println(1.19F.roundTo(0.1F)) // 1.2
    println(1.51F.roundTo(0.1F)) // 1.5

可以像這樣使用 floor/ceil: fun Float.floorTo(roundToNearest: Float): Float = floor(this / roundToNearest) * roundToNearest


int n = [some number]
int rounded = (n + 5) / 5 * 5;

例如,這將舍入 5 到 10,以及 6、7、8 和 9(全部到 10)。 你不希望 5 舍入到 10。 當只處理整數時,您希望將 4 添加到 n 而不是 5。因此,使用該代碼並將 5 替換為 4:

int n = [some number]
int rounded = (n + 4) / 5 * 5;

當然,在處理雙打時,只需輸入類似 4.99999 的內容,或者如果您想考慮所有情況(如果您可能正在處理更精確的雙打),請添加條件語句:

int n = [some number]
int rounded = n % 5 == 0 ? n : (n + 4) / 5 * 5;

將數字四舍五入到最接近 5 的倍數的另一種方法或邏輯

double num = 18.0;
    if (num % 5 == 0)
        System.out.println("No need to roundoff");
    else if (num % 5 < 2.5)
        num = num - num % 5;
        num = num + (5 - num % 5);
    System.out.println("Rounding up to nearest 5------" + num);

輸出 :

Rounding up to nearest 5------20.0


 * The method is rounding a number per the number and the nearest that will be passed in.
 * If the nearest is 5 - (63->65) | 10 - (124->120).
 * @param num - The number to round
 * @param nearest - The nearest number to round to (If the nearest is 5 -> (0 - 2.49 will round down) || (2.5-4.99 will round up))
 * @return Double - The rounded number
private Double round (double num, int nearest) {
    if (num % nearest >= nearest / 2) {
        num = num + ((num % nearest - nearest) * -1);
    } else if (num % nearest < nearest / 2) {
        num = num - (num % nearest);
    return num;


public static long roundTo(long value, long roundTo) {
    if (roundTo <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'roundTo' must be larger than 0");
    long remainder = value % roundTo;
    if (Math.abs(remainder) < (roundTo / 2d)) {
        return value - remainder;
    } else {
        if (value > 0) {
            return value + (roundTo - Math.abs(remainder));
        } else {
            return value - (roundTo - Math.abs(remainder));


int roundUp(int n, int multipleOf)
  int a = (n / multipleOf) * multipleOf;
  int b = a + multipleOf;
  return (n - a > b - n)? b : a;

來源: https ://www.geeksforgeeks.org/round-the-given-number-to-nearest-multiple-of-10/

Praveen Kumars 在此線程的其他地方提出問題

“為什么我們要在數字上加 4?”

非常相關。 這就是為什么我更喜歡這樣編碼:

int roundUpToMultipleOf5(final int n) {
    return (n + 5 - 1) / 5 * 5;


int roundUpToMultiple(final int n, final int multipleOf) {
    return (n + multipleOf - 1) / multipleOf * multipleOf;

通過比您要查找的倍數少加 1,您已經添加了足夠多的值以確保n的精確倍數不會四舍五入,並且n的任何不是精確倍數的值都將是四舍五入到下一個倍數。

只需將您的數字作為雙精度數傳遞給此函數,它將返回您將十進制值向上舍入到最接近的值 5;

如果為 4.25,則輸出 4.25

如果是 4.20,輸出 4.20

如果是 4.24,輸出 4.20

如果為 4.26,則輸出 4.30

如果要四舍五入到小數點后 2 位,請使用

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");

如果最多 3 個位置,則 new DecimalFormat("#.###")

如果最多 n 個位置,則 new DecimalFormat("#. nTimes # ")

 public double roundToMultipleOfFive(double x)

                String str=String.valueOf(x);
                int pos=0;
                for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++)

                int after=Integer.parseInt(str.substring(pos+1,str.length()));
                int Q=after/5;
                int R =after%5;


                       return Double.parseDouble(str.substring(0,pos+1).concat(String.valueOf(after))));



private int roundToMultipleOf(int current, int multipleOf, Direction direction){
    if (current % multipleOf == 0){
        return ((current / multipleOf) + (direction == Direction.UP ? 1 : -1)) * multipleOf;
    return (direction == Direction.UP ? (int) Math.ceil((double) current / multipleOf) : (direction == Direction.DOWN ? (int) Math.floor((double) current / multipleOf) : current)) * multipleOf;

變量current是您要四舍五入的數字, multipleOf是您想要的倍數(即四舍五入到最接近的 20、最接近的 10 等),而direction是我做的向上或向下舍入的枚舉。


將給定數字四舍五入到最接近的 5 的倍數。

public static int round(int n)
  while (n % 5 != 0) n++;
  return n; 

您可以使用此方法Math.round(38/5) * 5獲得 5 的倍數


使用此方法獲得最接近 5 的倍數。

private int giveNearestMul5(int givenValue){
    int roundedNum = 0;
    int prevMul5, nextMul5;
    prevMul5 = givenValue - givenValue%5;
    nextMul5 = prevMul5 + 5;
    if ((givenValue%5!=0)){
        if ( (givenValue-prevMul5) < (nextMul5-givenValue) ){
            roundedNum = prevMul5;
        } else {
            roundedNum = nextMul5;
    } else{
        roundedNum = givenValue;

    return roundedNum;


public static int round(int n){
    return (n%5==0) ? n : round(++n);
if (n % 5 == 1){
   n -= 1;
} else if (n % 5 == 2) {
   n -= 2;
} else if (n % 5 == 3) {
   n += 2;
} else if (n % 5 == 4) {
   n += 1;


public class MyMath
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static double myFloor(double num, double multipleOf) {
            return ( Math.floor(num / multipleOf) * multipleOf );
        public static double myCeil (double num, double multipleOf) {
            return ( Math.ceil (num / multipleOf) * multipleOf );

        private static void runTests() {
            System.out.println("myFloor (57.3,  0.1) : " + myFloor(57.3, 0.1));
            System.out.println("myCeil  (57.3,  0.1) : " + myCeil (57.3, 0.1));
            System.out.println("myFloor (57.3,  1.0) : " + myFloor(57.3, 1.0));
            System.out.println("myCeil  (57.3,  1.0) : " + myCeil (57.3, 1.0));
            System.out.println("myFloor (57.3,  5.0) : " + myFloor(57.3, 5.0));
            System.out.println("myCeil  (57.3,  5.0) : " + myCeil (57.3, 5.0));
            System.out.println("myFloor (57.3, 10.0) : " + myFloor(57.3,10.0));
            System.out.println("myCeil  (57.3, 10.0) : " + myCeil (57.3,10.0));

輸出: myCeil 中也存在 0.1 倍數的錯誤……不知道為什么。

myFloor (57.3,  0.1) : 57.2
    myCeil  (57.3,  0.1) : 57.300000000000004

    myFloor (57.3,  1.0) : 57.0
    myCeil  (57.3,  1.0) : 58.0

    myFloor (57.3,  5.0) : 55.0
    myCeil  (57.3,  5.0) : 60.0

    myFloor (57.3, 10.0) : 50.0
    myCeil  (57.3, 10.0) : 60.0


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