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[英]Manually starting 3G connection in Android, and keeping it on

在啟用WiFi的同時,如何在Android中啟動3G數據連接? 我試過了

IConnectivityManager.setMobileDataEnabled(enabled); // via reflection

它可以在模擬器中運行,但在我的真實手機(Droid 2)中,它會短暫打開然后再次關閉。

從shell(adb shell), ip link提供3G連接的詳細信息:

15: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 3 link/ppp

但是,它僅在WiFi關閉時可用。 當WiFi打開並且我嘗試手動打開它時,它會抱怨ppp0設備不存在。

bash-3.2# ip link set ppp0 up
ip link set ppp0 up
Cannot find device "ppp0"


bash-3.2# ls /dev/ppp*
ls /dev/ppp*

據我所知,在不修改Android平台源代碼(至少版本2.3和4)的情況下,不可能同時連接3g和WiFi。 主要問題是frameworks / base / core / res / res / values / config.xml中定義的連接的硬編碼優先級:

<!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of network
attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
based on the hardware -->
    <!-- An Array of "[Connection name],[ConnectivityManager connection type],
[associated radio-type],[priority] -->
 <!--                   ^^^^^^^^^^---------- Connection priority -->

    <string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes">

然后,此connect.xml由ConnectivityService讀取,該服務訂閱了connect / disconnect事件。 在connect handler中,它決定了它應該對其他連接做什么:

private void handleConnect(NetworkInfo info) {


        // if this is a default net and other default is running
        // kill the one not preferred
        if (mNetAttributes[type].isDefault()) {
            if (mActiveDefaultNetwork != -1 && mActiveDefaultNetwork != type) {
                if ((type != mNetworkPreference &&
                        mNetAttributes[mActiveDefaultNetwork].mPriority >
                        //                                    ^^^^^^^^^ --- From config.xml
                        mNetAttributes[type].mPriority) ||
                        //                   ^^^^^^^^^-------- From config.xml
                        mNetworkPreference == mActiveDefaultNetwork) {
                        // don't accept this one
                        if (DBG) Slog.v(TAG, "Not broadcasting CONNECT_ACTION " +
                                "to torn down network " + info.getTypeName());


如果你想嘗試一下,請看這里 (並確保你有一個備份,顯然)



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