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[英]Does dart support operator overloading

我讀到 Dart 不支持 function 重載。 它是否支持運算符重載? 如果是的話,你能用一個簡單的例子告訴我它是如何完成的嗎? 有哪些優點等?

Dart 支持使用operator關鍵字后跟要重載的運算符的運算符重載。 以下示例重載了MyClass對象的==運算符:

class MyClass {
  operator ==(MyClass other) {
    // compare this to other

幾乎所有 Darts 內置運算符都可以重載,但有一些值得注意的例外是賦值運算符= 和引用等價運算符 === (不再存在)。

至於運算符重載的優勢,它允許您重用具有眾所周知的語義含義的運算符,例如==+對您的對象進行操作。 例如,如果您有一個重載+運算符的 Matrix 類,那么您可以使用語法m1 + m2而不是更麻煩的m1.plus(m2)來添加兩個矩陣

在新版本中嘗試使用==運算符重載時,所選答案不再有效。 現在你需要這樣做:

class MyClass {
  bool operator ==(other) {
    // compare this to other

但這並不安全。 other未指定為類型,可能會發生意外。 例如:

void main() {
  var a = A(1);
  var b = B(1);
  var result = a == b;
  print(result); //result is true

class A {

  final int index;

  bool operator ==(other) => other.index == index;

class B {

  final int index;


class A {

  final int index;

  bool operator ==(covariant A other) => other.index == index;

您需要使用covariant 因為 Object 重載了==運算符。


訪問: hash_and_equals

class A {

  final int index;

  bool operator ==(other) => other is A && (other.index == index);

  int get hashCode => index;

為了擴展 Lars 的答案,您還可以使用內聯函數語法重載運算符。

class MyClass {
  operator ==(MyClass o) => id == o.id;

學習如何使用運算符重載的一個很好的例子是在dart 中處理復數的類:

import 'dart:core';

class Complex {
  final double real;
  final double imaginary;

  Complex({this.real = 0, this.imaginary = 0});

  Complex.ri(this.real, this.imaginary);

  Complex operator +(Complex b) {
    return Complex(
        real: this.real + b.real, imaginary: this.imaginary + b.imaginary);

  Complex operator -(Complex b) {
    return Complex(
        real: this.real - b.real, imaginary: this.imaginary - b.imaginary);

  Complex operator *(Complex b) {
    return Complex(
        real: this.real * b.real - this.imaginary * b.imaginary,
        imaginary: this.real * b.imaginary + this.imaginary * b.real);

  Complex operator /(Complex b) {
    // https://stackoverflow.com/a/41146661/6846888
    var conjugation = b.conjugate();
    var denominatorRes = b * conjugation;

    // denominator has only real part
    var denominator = denominatorRes.real;
    var nominator = this * conjugation;

    return Complex(
        real: nominator.real / denominator,
        imaginary: nominator.imaginary / denominator);

  bool operator ==(b) {
    return b.real == this.real && b.imaginary == this.imaginary;

  String toString() {
    return 'Complex(real: ${real}, imaginary: ${imaginary})';

從 Dart 2.7 版開始,您可以向現有類添加運算符,例如:

extension Contains on String {
  bool operator <<(Pattern other) => contains(other);
  bool operator >>(String other) => other.contains(this);

使用復數作為示例,我可以實現“Complex * num”,例如:

Complex operator *(dynamic b) {
  if (b is Complex) {
    return Complex( real: ... );
  } else if (b is num) {
    return Complex.ri(real*b, imaginary*b);

但是如何實現“num * Complex”呢? 有可能嗎?


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