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獲取Plone 4中可搜索的內容類型列表

[英]Get a list of searchable content types in Plone 4

我正在使用Products.AdvancedQuery為我的網站構建替代LiveSearch機制。 到目前為止,一切都運行良好,但標准查詢會搜索所有可用的內容類型,包括在@@ search-controlpanel中標記為不可搜索的內容類型。

我希望AdvancedQuery根據@@ search-controlpanel中指定的內容動態過濾掉不可搜索的那些。 我怎樣才能做到這一點?

如果AQ無法做到,我可以在查詢目錄后立即過濾結果。 我需要一個標記為可搜索的內容類型名稱(或接口)列表。 我怎樣才能獲得這樣的清單?


>>> query = myquery & AdvancedQuery.Not(AdvancedQuery.In(MY_TYPE_BLACKLIST_HERE)) 
>>> result = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog').evalAdvancedQuery(query)



from Products.AdvancedQuery import (Eq, Not, In, 
                                    RankByQueries_Sum, MatchGlob)

from my.product.interfaces import IQuery

class CatalogQuery(object):



    def _search(self, q, limit):
        """Perform the Catalog search on the 'SearchableText' index
        using phrase 'q', and filter any content types 
        blacklisted as 'unsearchable' in the '@@search-controlpanel'.

        # ask the portal_properties tool for a list of names of
        # unsearchable content types
        ptool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_properties')
        types_not_searched = ptool.site_properties.types_not_searched

        # define the search ranking strategy
        rs = RankByQueries_Sum(
                (Eq('Title', q), 16),
                (Eq('Description', q), 8)

        # tune the normalizer
        norm = 1 + rs.getQueryValueSum()

        # prepare the search glob
        glob = "".join((q, "*"))

        # build the query statement, filter using unsearchable list
        query = MatchGlob('SearchableText', glob) & Not(
                    In('portal_type', types_not_searched)

        # perform the search using the portal catalog tool
        brains = self._ctool.evalAdvancedQuery(query, (rs,))

        return brains[:limit], norm


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