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[英]Java Problems instantiating object with string parameter

我正在嘗試進行分配,但是在實例化具有String參數的對象時遇到問題。 到目前為止,當我編譯和運行應用程序的內容時,它將返回String值“ Null”,而不是我期望的值。


public abstract class Book
//Declaration of class variable
private String title;
protected double price;

// contructor for Book class objects
public Book(String bookTitle)
        bookTitle = title;
//method that gets and returns books title
public String getTitle()
        return title;
//method that gets and returns books price
public double getPrice()
        return price;
//abstract method with no parameters
public abstract void setPrice();


public class Fiction extends Book
//subclass contructor
public Fiction(String bookTitle)
    //calling superclass constructor
//override annotation and setPrice method override
public void setPrice()
    price = 19.99;

這是我的主要方法類,其中的對象fictionBook應該以標題“ The White Unicorn”實例化。 但是,由於某種原因,我的println打印出null

public class BookTester
//Main method
public static void main(String[] args)
    //Instantiate object
    Fiction fictionBook = new Fiction("The White Unicorn");
    NonFiction nonFictionBook = new NonFiction("Autobiography of Curtis Sizemore");
    //call to the setPrice() method
    //Print information on books
    System.out.println("The Fiction book titled \"" + fictionBook.getTitle() + "\"costs $" + fictionBook.getPrice());

我不知道是什么問題。 誰能幫助我? 我也有一個非小說類的子類,但是我還沒到那個地步。

public Book(String bookTitle)
        bookTitle = title;



public abstract class Book
//Declaration of class variable
private String title;
protected double price;

// contructor for Book class objects
public Book(String bookTitle)
        this.title = bookTitle;
//method that gets and returns books title
public String getTitle()
        return this.title;
//method that gets and returns books price
public double getPrice()
        return this.price;
//abstract method with no parameters
public abstract void setPrice();


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