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Google Maps API V3:簡單標記群集未顯示

[英]Google Maps API V3: Simple Marker Cluster Not Showing Up

我正在使用PHP,MongoDB,Javascript和Google Maps API V3開發基於Web的應用程序。

通過使用json_encode轉換MongoDB數組,我能夠輕松地在Google地圖上生成和顯示標記。 這是帶有標記和信息窗口的示例地圖。


但是,當我嘗試實現Google Maps MarkerClusterer方法時,標記消失了。 我遵循了Google Map的“ 一個簡單的MarkerClusterer示例 ”作為指南。


var markerCluster = new MarkerClustrer(map, markers);

然后使用markerCluster.addMarkers(markers, true); 作為沒有運氣的替代方法。

看起來很簡單,但是不知何故,它沒有顯示標記。 我還嘗試注釋掉整個infoWindow / OnClick事件部分,因此我認為它與此無關。 任何幫助是極大的贊賞。

PHP MongoDB查詢:


// Connect to Mongo and set DB and Collection
    $mongo = new Mongo();
    $db = $mongo->selectDB('twitter');
    $collection = $db->selectCollection('tweets');
catch(MongoConnectionException $e)
    die("Failed to connect to Twitter Database ". $e->getMessage());

// The hotspots array will contain the data that will be returned
$tweets = array();

// Return a cursor of tweets from MongoDB
$cursor = $collection->find();

// Try catch for catching whether there are tweets to display
$count = 0;
    $count = $cursor->count();
catch (MongoCursorException $e) 
    die(json_encode(array('error'=>'error message:' .$e->getMessage())));

// Loops through the cursor again specifically for querying all geo locations
// Unlike table display of tweets, this cursor is not limited by pages. 
foreach($cursor as $id => $value)
    $mapLocations[] = array
// var_dump($mapLocations);


function initialize() 
    // Converts MongoDB information to JSON, ready for Javascript
    var tweets = <?php echo json_encode($mapLocations); ?>;

    // Sets google maps options
    var myOptions = 
        // Centers on Maui...
        center: new google.maps.LatLng(20.80362, -156.321716),
        zoom: 7,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN

    // Sets Marker Clusterer Options
    var mcOptions =
        gridSize: 50, maxZoom: 15

    // Generates Google Map and applies the defined options above.
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);

    // Infowindow for displaying information for onClick event  
    // Content must be inside the google.maps.event function 
    // Otherwise the same content will be entered on all markers    
    var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({});

    var markerCluster = null;   // Initializes markerCluster
    var markers = [];           //Array needed to pass to MarkerClusterer

    // Loops through each tweet and draws the marker on the map.    
    for (var i = 0; i < tweets.length; i++)
        var tweet = tweets[i];

        if(tweet.lat != null || tweet.long != null) 
            var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(tweet.lat, tweet.long);
            //document.write(" Latitude: " + tweet.lat + " Longitude: " + tweet.long + " <br> ");
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
                position: myLatLng,
                //icon: "markers/flag.png",
                //map: map,


            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) 
                return function() 
                    // Generates a table for infoWindow
                    var content = "<table class='popup'>";

                    // Check if image exits, otherwise show no image icon
                    if(tweets[i].specImg != null) 
                        content += "<tr><th width=75 ><a href=" + tweets[i].specImg + ">";
                        content += "<img height=75 width=75 src=" + tweets[i].specImg + "></a>";
                        content += "<tr><th width=75><img height=75 width=75 src=images/noimage.jpg>";
                    // Concatanate screen name and tweet
                    // Will work on trimming information
                    content += "</th><td>" + tweets[i].screen_name + " says...<br>"; 
                    content += "''" + tweets[i].tweet +  "''<br>";
                    content += "on " + tweets[i].date + "</td>";
                    content += "</table>";

                    // Zoom into marker on click

                    // Sets the infoWindow content to the marker
                    infoWindow.open(map, marker);
            })(marker, i)); 
    var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers);


JSONned $ mapLocations變為多維數組,但我簡化了$ mapLocations以僅存儲二維經度和緯度。 javascript源代碼如下。

var tweets = [{"lat":20.87179594,"long":-156.47718775},{"lat":20.87195633,"long":-156.47714356},{"lat":20.87138419,"long":-156.47719744},{"lat":21.3320704,"long":-157.8685716},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":21.36509415,"long":-157.92824454},{"lat":21.3320825,"long":-157.8684742},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":21.33673131,"long":-157.86824},{"lat":21.332507,"long":-157.86635342},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":37.36520709,"long":-121.92386941},{"lat":37.2499758,"long":-121.86462506},{"lat":37.36278955,"long":-121.90521146},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":37.36278955,"long":-121.90521146},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":20.88944108,"long":-156.4761887},{"lat":37.36273157,"long":-121.90479984},{"lat":20.85102618,"long":-156.65936351},{"lat":20.88949978,"long":-156.4762491},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":21.3320168,"long":-157.8685715},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null},{"lat":null,"long":null}];


如我所料,這很簡單。 顯然,您需要從Google Maps Utility Library下載markerclusterer.js文件。 我認為集群器已經內置在API本身中。


<script type="text/javascript" src="markerclusterer.js"></script>



  1. 每個標記都需要信息窗口,您要為所有標記共享一個信息窗口,並重復更改其內容。

  2. 還要檢查您沒有落入封閉陷阱。 我可以全部重寫,但是基本上您需要在閉包之外創建一個函數。 有關如何執行此操作的說明,請訪問http://www.robertbolton.com/blog/google-maps-v3-multiple-markers-and-infowindows-in-a-loop


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