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[英]Specify number of lines for href inside span tag

我有一個<span>標記.lastMessageLink ,其中帶有一個<a> .lastMessageText 可以放在.lastMessageText的文本可以短至幾個字符,也可以長至一個段落,但是我想顯示最多4行文本。


.lastMessageLink {
    line-height: 1em;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    max-height: 4em;
    overflow: hidden;

.lastMessageText {
    color: black;
    word-wrap: break-word;


<span class="lastMessageLink">
    <a id="undefined" class="lastMessageText" title="now i need a really really long message so that i can test this whole multiple lines thing which is gonna be a problem and a trickier problem than we had initially thought. it's interesting because you'd think a couple css styles would be enough, but we might have to go by characters" href="#conversation:cid=10714&amp;mid=10735">
        now i need a really really long message so that i can test this whole multiple lines thing which is gonna be a problem and a trickier problem than we had initially thought. it's interesting because you'd think a couple css styles would be enough, but we might have to go by characters

我看過HTML / CSS:指定<span>內的行數使用CSS 將文本長度限制為n行使用CSS文本溢出來更改設置高度的元素內的文本行數 ,以及如何為固定數量的文本行設置元素高度


對網絡的研究以及一些以前的堆棧溢出問題也在此處 )表明,除非設置了white-space: nowrap ,否則ellipsis將不起作用。 當然,這意味着它僅適用於一行文本


三點 http://tpgblog.com/2009/12/21/threedots-the-jquery-ellipsis-plugin/

jQuery文字溢出 http://www.bramstein.com/projects/text-overflow/

自動省略號 http://pvdspek.github.com/jquery.autoellipsis/

<span>更改為<div> ,這應該可以解決我的問題


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