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[英]How to get wizard description using SWTBot?

如何使用SWTBot獲取eclipse向導的描述文本? wizard.shell.gettext()方法給出了標題,但我找不到任何獲取描述的方法。我需要它來驗證向導頁面上顯示的描述和錯誤消息。


public void verifyWizardMessage(String message) throws AssertionError{
       bot.text(" "+message);
    }catch(WidgetNotFoundException e){
        throw (new AssertionError("no matching message found"));

這里的bot是一個可用於方法的SWTBot實例。向導消息會自動在描述字段前面添加一個空格,所以我使用" "+message 希望能幫助到你

為了測試我們的eclipse插件,我工作的團隊在SWTBot上開發了一個自定義DSL來表示向導,對話框等等。 這是一個在我們的案例中運行良好的代碼片段( 請注意,這可能是eclipse版本依賴 ,對於eclipse 3.6和4.2似乎沒問題)

class Foo {

     * The shell of your dialog/wizard
    private SWTBotShell shell;

    protected SWTBotShell getShell() {
        return shell;

    protected <T extends Widget> T getTopLevelCompositeChild(final Class<T> clazz, final int index) {
        return UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(shell.display, new Result<T>() {

            public T run() {
                Shell widget = getShell().widget;
                if (!widget.isDisposed()) {
                    for (Control control : widget.getChildren()) {
                        if (control instanceof Composite) {
                            Composite composite = (Composite) control;
                            int counter = 0;
                            for (Control child : composite.getChildren()) {
                                if (clazz.isInstance(child)) {
                                    if (counter == index) {
                                        return (T) child;
                return null;

     * Returns the wizard's description or message displayed in its title dialog
     * area.
     * A wizard's description or message is stored in the very first Text widget
     * (cf. <tt>TitleAreaDialog.messageLabel</tt> initialization in
     * <tt>org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TitleAreaDialog.createTitleArea(Composite)</tt>
     * ).
    public String getDescription() {
        final Text text = getTopLevelCompositeChild(Text.class, 0);
        return UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(getShell().display, new Result<String>() {

            public String run() {
                if (text != null && !text.isDisposed()) {
                    return text.getText();
                return null;


bot.textWithLabel("Create Project"); // This title set by page.setTitle("Create Project");
bot.text("Description."); // this is description set by page.setDescription("Description.");


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