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flash as3 - 我需要在byteArray數據中進行二進制搜索

[英]flash as3 - I need binary search in byteArray data


var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
//..........here's code that fills this var with binary data



所以,我需要找到<<< start >>><<< end >>>並復制它們之間的數據。

但是搜索fileData.toString().indexOf('<<< start >>>')有時會得到這個字符串的錯誤位置,有時根本找不到它。


由於您正在使用二進制數據,因此不應使用fileData.toString().indexOf() 您必須搜索一系列字節。


public function indexOf(bytes:ByteArray, search:String, startOffset:uint = 0):void
    if (bytes == null || bytes.length == 0) {
        throw new ArgumentError("bytes parameter should not be null or empty");

    if (search == null || search.length == 0) {
        throw new ArgumentError("search parameter should not be null or empty");

    // Fast return is the search pattern length is shorter than the bytes one
    if (bytes.length < startOffset + search.length) {
        return -1;

    // Create the pattern
    var pattern:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

    // Initialize loop variables
    var end:Boolean;
    var found:Boolean;
    var i:uint = startOffset;
    var j:uint = 0;
    var p:uint = pattern.length;
    var n:uint = bytes.length - p;

    // Repeat util end
    do {
        // Compare the current byte with the first one of the pattern
        if (bytes[i] == pattern[0]) {
            found = true;
            j = p;

            // Loop through every byte of the pattern
            while (--j) {
                if (bytes[i + j] != pattern[j]) {
                    found = false;

            // Return the pattern position
            if (found) {
                return i;

        // Check if end is reach
        end = (++i > n);
    } while (!end);

    // Pattern not found
    return -1;


var extractedBytes = new ByteArray();
var startPos:int = indexOf(fileData, "<<<start>>>");
var endPos:int;

if (startPos == -1) {
    trace("<<<start>>> not found");
} else {
    endPos = indexOf(fileData, "<<<end>>>", startPos + 11); // "<<<start>>>".length = 11

if (startPos == -1) {
    trace("<<<end>>> not found");
} else {
    // Extract the bytes between <<<start>>> and <<<end>>>
    fileData.readBytes(extractedBytes, startPos + 11, endPos);



    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;

    public class ByteArraySearch extends Sprite
        public function ByteArraySearch()

        private function test():void
            var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            var start:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            var end:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            var subseq:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            var startPosition:int;
            var endPosition:int;

            startPosition = this.searchBytes(start, bytes);
            endPosition = this.searchBytes(end, bytes);

            subseq.writeBytes(bytes, startPosition + start.length, 
                endPosition - startPosition - start.length);
            trace(startPosition, endPosition, subseq);

        private function searchBytes(needle:ByteArray, heystack:ByteArray):int
            var position:int;
            var trackback:int;
            var searcheable:int;
            var head:int;
            var readNeedle:Boolean;
            var hasTrackBack:Boolean;
            var needlePosition:int;
            var current:int;

            if (!needle || !needle.length || !heystack || !heystack.length ||
                needle.length > heystack.length)
                return -1;
            searcheable = heystack.length - needle.length;
            head = needle[0];

            for (; position < searcheable; position++)
                current = heystack[position];
                // first state - we didn't yet find the first matching byte
                if (!readNeedle)
                    // if this is the first mathing byte
                    if (readNeedle = current == head)
                        // then set both the trackback and position in the 
                        // needle to the first byte in the needle, as this
                        // is what will be checked next
                        trackback = needlePosition = 1;
                        // we don't know yet if the first (or any later) byte
                        // can be tracked back to in our search, false by default
                        hasTrackBack = false;
                    // we found the match
                    if (needlePosition == needle.length)
                        position -= needlePosition;
                    // if we haven't yet found a position to track back to
                    // and the current byte is the same as the first byte in the 
                    // needle, then this is the trackback position.
                    if (!hasTrackBack && current == head)
                        hasTrackBack = true;
                    if (needle[needlePosition] == current)
                        // advance the position in the needle and the trackback, 
                        // if we didn't find any point to track back to
                        if (!hasTrackBack) trackback = needlePosition;
                        // since the current byte didn't match, reset the position to
                        // the first trackback point that we found.
                        readNeedle = false;
                        position = position - needlePosition + trackback;
            if (position == searcheable) position = -1;
            return position;


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