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[英]JPedal - Highlight word at a point in a PDF

我想實現一個功能,該功能允許用戶雙擊以使用JPedal庫突出顯示PDF文檔中的單詞。 如果我可以得到一個單詞的邊界矩形並查看MouseEvent位置是否在其中,這將是微不足道的。 以下代碼段演示了如何突出顯示區域:

private void highlightText() {
    Rectangle highlightRectangle = new Rectangle(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y,
            secondPoint.x - firstPoint.x, secondPoint.y - firstPoint.y);
    pdfDecoder.getTextLines().addHighlights(new Rectangle[]{highlightRectangle}, false, currentPage);


在查看了Mark的示例后,我設法使其正常運行。 有一些怪癖,所以我會解釋一下這一切如何工作,以防它對其他人有幫助。 關鍵方法是extractTextAsWordlist ,當給定要提取的區域時,它以{word1, w1_x1, w1_y1, w1_x2, w1_y2, word2, w2_x1, ...}的形式返回List<String> 下面列出了分步說明。

首先,您需要將MouseEvent “組件/屏幕”坐標轉換為PDF頁面坐標並進行縮放:

 * Transforms Component coordinates to page coordinates, correcting for 
 * scaling and panning.
 * @param x Component x-coordinate
 * @param y Component y-coordinate
 * @return Point on the PDF page
private Point getPageCoordinates(int x, int y) {
    float scaling = pdfDecoder.getScaling();
    int x_offset = ((pdfDecoder.getWidth() - pdfDecoder.getPDFWidth()) / 2); 
    int y_offset = pdfDecoder.getPDFHeight();
    int correctedX = (int)((x - x_offset + viewportOffset.x) / scaling);
    int correctedY = (int)((y_offset - (y + viewportOffset.y))  / scaling);
    return new Point(correctedX, correctedY);

接下來,創建一個框以掃描文本。 我選擇將其寬度設置為垂直於MouseEvent的頁面寬度和+/- 20個頁面單位(這是一個相當任意的數字):

 * Scans for all the words located with in a box the width of the page and 
 * 40 points high, centered at the supplied point.
 * @param p Point to centre the scan box around
 * @return  A List of words within the scan box
 * @throws PdfException
private List<String> scanForWords(Point p) throws PdfException {
    List<String> result = Collections.emptyList();
    if (pdfDecoder.getlastPageDecoded() > 0) {
        PdfGroupingAlgorithms currentGrouping = pdfDecoder.getGroupingObject();
        PdfPageData currentPageData = pdfDecoder.getPdfPageData();
        int x1 = currentPageData.getMediaBoxX(currentPage);
        int x2 = currentPageData.getMediaBoxWidth(currentPage) + x1;
        int y1 = p.y + 20;
        int y2 = p.y - 20;
        result = currentGrouping.extractTextAsWordlist(x1, y1, x2, y2, currentPage, true, "");
    return result;


 * Parse a String sequence of:
 *   {word1, w1_x1, w1_y1, w1_x2, w1_y2, word2, w2_x1, ...}
 * Into a sequence of Rectangles.
 * @param wordList Word list sequence to parse
 * @return A List of Rectangles
private List<Rectangle> parseWordBounds(List<String> wordList) {
    List<Rectangle> wordBounds = new LinkedList<Rectangle>();
    Iterator<String> wordListIterator = wordList.iterator();
    while(wordListIterator.hasNext()) {
        // sequences are: {word, x1, y1, x2, y2}  
        wordListIterator.next(); // skip the word
        int x1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(wordListIterator.next());
        int y1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(wordListIterator.next());
        int x2 = (int) Float.parseFloat(wordListIterator.next());
        int y2 = (int) Float.parseFloat(wordListIterator.next());
        wordBounds.add(new Rectangle(x1, y2, x2 - x1, y1 - y2)); // in page, not screen coordinates
    return wordBounds;


 * Finds the bounding Rectangle of a word located at a Point.
 * @param p Point to find word bounds
 * @param wordBounds List of word boundaries to search
 * @return A Rectangle that bounds a word and contains a point, or null if 
 *         there is no word located at the point
private Rectangle findWordBoundsAtPoint(Point p, List<Rectangle> wordBounds) {
    Rectangle result = null;
    for (Rectangle wordBound : wordBounds) {
        if (wordBound.contains(p)) {
            result = wordBound;
    return result;

由於某種原因,僅將此Rectangle傳遞給突出顯示方法不起作用。 經過一番修補后,我發現將Rectangle的每一邊縮小一點可以解決問題:

 * Contracts a Rectangle to enable it to be highlighted.
 * @return A contracted Highlight Rectangle
private Rectangle contractHighlight(Rectangle highlight){
    int x = highlight.x + 1;
    int y = highlight.y + 1;
    int width = highlight.width -2;
    int height = highlight.height - 2;
    return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);


 * Highlights text on the document
private void highlightText(Rectangle highlightRectangle) {
    pdfDecoder.getTextLines().addHighlights(new Rectangle[]{highlightRectangle}, false, currentPage);


 * Highlights the word at the given point.
 * @param p Point where word is located
private void highlightWordAtPoint(Point p) {
    try {
        Rectangle wordBounds = findWordBoundsAtPoint(p, parseWordBounds(scanForWords(p)));
        if (wordBounds != null) {
    } catch (PdfException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block


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