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[英]How can I use javascript timing to control on mouse stop and on mouse move events

所以我在aspx頁面上有一個控件(一張地圖)。 我想寫一些javascript來onload設置如下:

  1. 當鼠標停在控制=某些代碼時

  2. 當鼠標移動=某些代碼時(但僅當移動時間超過250毫秒時)


function setupmousemovement() {
var map1 = document.getElementById('Map_Panel');
var map = document.getElementById('Map1');
map1.onmousemove = (function() {
    var onmousestop = function() {
            //code to do on stop
    }, thread;

    return function() {
        //code to do on mouse move
        thread = setTimeout(onmousestop, 25);

但我無法弄清楚如何在移動代碼中引入延遲。 我以為我有這個......

function setupmousemovement() {
var map1 = document.getElementById('Map_Panel');
var map = document.getElementById('Map1');
map1.onmousemove = (function() {
    var onmousestop = function() {
            //code to do on stop
    }, thread;

    return function() {
        thread2 = setTimeout("code to do on mouse move", 250);
        thread = setTimeout(onmousestop, 25);

但它並沒有像我想象的那樣表現。 移動“thread2”永遠不會被停止清除。 我錯過了什么?

這是一個棘手的問題。 一點點的修補導致了這個:

function setupmousemovement() {

  var map1 = document.getElementById('Map_Panel');
  map1.onmousemove = (function() {
    var timer,
        onmousestop = function() {

          // code to do on stop

          clearTimeout( timer250 ); // I'm assuming we don't want this to happen if mouse stopped
          timer = null;  // this needs to be falsy next mousemove start
    return function() {
      if (!timer) {

        // code to do on start

        timer250 = setTimeout(function () { // you can replace this with whatever

          // code to do when 250 millis have passed

        }, 250 );
      // we are still moving, or this is our first time here...
      clearTimeout( timer );  // remove active end timer
      timer = setTimeout( onmousestop, 25 );  // delay the stopping action another 25 millis





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