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[英]How to extend the jQuery accordion plugin



我需要添加新功能,例如一旦展開/折疊完成,我需要像jquery ui accordion插件中的更改事件一樣回調函數。


你不需要手風琴小工具。 你可以用幾行jQuery來做到這一點。


<h3 class="header"> Title 1 </h3>
<div class="content"> Content 1 </div>
<h3 class="header"> Title 2 </h3>
<div class="content"> Content 2 </div>

javascrpt / jQuery的:

( function( $ ){ // closure to make sure jQuery = $
  $( function(){ // on document load
    $( ".header" ).click( function( e ){ // select headers and set onClick event handler
      // here you can maybe add a class to an opened header like this
      $( this ).toggleClass( "open" );
      $( this ).next().toggle( "slow", function(){ // toggle visibility
        // what you write here will be executed after the animation
        // "this" will refer to the hidden/revealed div element
        // if you want to call a function depending on if the 
        // panel was opened or closed try this
        if ( $( this ).is( ":visible" ) ) {
          tabOpened( e, this );
        } else {
          tabClosed( e, this );

整個事情在jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/qpqL9/上工作

您可以在選項卡上完成的動畫的回調函數中輕松調用您的函數。 jquery.multi-accordion-1.5.3.js略有變化

$div.slideDown('fast', function(){
    //function to be called after expanding the tabs. 

$div.slideUp('fast', function(){
    //function to be called after collapsing the tabs


 // when tab is shown, ui here hold the same as in click event above
  tabShown: function(event, ui) {}

  // when tab is hidden, ui here hold the same as in click event above
  tabHidden: function(event, ui) {}
$.extend($.ui.multiAccordion, {    
    // private helper method that used to show tabs
    _showTab: function($this) {
        var $span = $this.children('span.ui-icon');
        var $div = $this.next();
        var options = this.options;
        $this.removeClass('ui-state-default ui-corner-all').addClass('ui-state-active ui-corner-top');
        bindThis = this;
        var ui = {
            tab: $this,
            content: $this.next('div')
        $div.slideDown('fast', function(){
            // MODIFICATION
        this._trigger('tabShown', null, ui);

    // private helper method that used to show tabs 
    _hideTab: function($this) {
        var $span = $this.children('span.ui-icon');
        var $div = $this.next();
        var options = this.options;
        $this.removeClass('ui-state-active ui-corner-top').addClass('ui-state-default ui-corner-all');
        bindThis = this;
        var ui = {
            tab: $this,
            content: $this.next('div')
        $div.slideUp('fast', function(){
            // MODIFICATION
            bindThis._trigger('tabHiddenComplete', null, ui);
        this._trigger('tabHidden', null, ui);


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