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[英]How do I read nested xml using rapidxml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE open-psa>
  <define-gate name="top" >
      <gate name="g1" />
      <gate name="g2" />
  <define-basic-event name="e1">
      <parameter name="lambda1" />
      <mission-time />
  <define-parameter name="lambda1">
      <float value="2.0e-5" />
      <float value="3" />
      <float value="0.95" />


cout << "Importing fault tree...\n" ;
xml_document<> doc;
xml_node<> * root_node;
char* node_name;

// Read the xml file into a buffer
ifstream theFile ("SmallTree.xml");
vector<char> buffer((istreambuf_iterator<char>(theFile)),

// Parse the buffer

// Find the root node
root_node = doc.first_node("open-psa");

// Iterate over all child nodes
for (xml_node<> * node = root_node->first_node(); node; node = node->next_sibling())
    node_name = node->name();
    if (strcmp(node_name, "define-gate" ) == 0)
        cout << node->name() << ", ";
        cout << node->first_attribute("name")->value() << endl;
    else if (strcmp(node_name, "define-basic-event" ) == 0)
        cout << node->name() << ", ";
        cout << node->first_attribute("name")->value() << endl;
    else if (strcmp(node_name, "define-parameter" ) == 0)
        cout << node->name() << ", ";
        cout << node->first_attribute("name")->value() << endl;

現在我被困住了。 我如何訪問嵌套在例如define-gate name =“ top”中的元素。您可能會猜到一個實際的.xml文件可能包含大量的Gates,基本事件,參數等,但我不認為我可以采用任何特定順序。

每個節點有first_node()函數,所以里面的if在您確定節點名稱,你可以做的另一種循環,開頭xml_node<>* child = node->first_node()並繼續child = child->next_sibling()

謝謝你的提示。 經過一些實驗,我想到了以下幫助函數來讀取“門”。 條件語句嵌套得很深,因此是輔助程序。 作品! 再一次感謝你的幫助!

void readGate(xml_node<>* node)
char* gname ;
xml_node<>* gtype = node->first_node();
if (gtype != 0)
    gname = gtype->name();
    if (strcmp(gname, "and" ) == 0)
        // found an "and" gate, read children
        cout << "  " << gname << endl;
        xml_node<>* gin = gtype->first_node();
        while (gin != 0)
            cout << "    " <<  gin->name() << ", ";
            cout << "    " <<  gin->first_attribute("name")->value();
            cout << endl;
            gin = gin->next_sibling();
    else if (strcmp(gname, "or" ) == 0)
        // found an "or" gate, read children
        cout << "  " << gname << endl;
        xml_node<>* gin = gtype->first_node();
        while(gin != 0)
            cout << "    " <<  gin->name() << ", ";
            cout << "    " << gin->first_attribute("name")->value();
            cout << endl;
            gin = gin->next_sibling();

node-> next_sibling()使您在XML文檔中處於同一級別的下一個節點。 如果要進入“節點”的內部節點,請使用first_node():

xml_node<>* nodeInternal = node->first_node();


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