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從 Mysql 數據庫中檢索數據,顯示在表單上,​​並允許用戶使用 PHP 進行更新

[英]Retrieve data from Mysql database, display on a form, and allow user to update using PHP

我對 PHP 很陌生。 我有一個頁面,我希望用戶能夠輸入引文,然后將該信息傳遞給一個 php 腳本,該腳本查詢數據庫,以表單形式返回信息,然后允許用戶更新任何字段以這種形式返回。


1) 當數據返回時,只返回字段中的第一個字。 許多字段包含多個單詞。





mysql_connect("***************", "*********", "****") or die(mysql_error()); 
mysql_select_db("***********") or die(mysql_error()); 

$searchterm= $_POST['searchterm'];

$query = "SELECT Citation, Category, Overview, Facts, Decision, Keywords, Link     FROM     cases WHERE citation = '$searchterm'";

$result  = mysql_query($query);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    echo "<form action=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']." method=post>" .
         "Case Citation: <input type=text name=Citation value={$row['Citation'] }><br>" .
     "Category: <input type=text name=Category value={$row['Category'] }><br>" . 
     "Overview: <input type=text name=Overview value={$row['Overview'] }><br>" . 
     "Case Facts: <input type=text name=Facts value={$row['Facts'] }><br>" . 
     "Decision: <input type=text name=decision value={$row['Decision'] }><br>" . 
     "Keywords: <input type=text name=Keywords value={$row['Keywords'] }><br>" . 
     "Weblink: <input type=text name=Link value={$row['Link'] }><br>" . 
     "<input type=submit name=submit value=Update>" .

//when they click submit
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { 


$update = "UPDATE IGNORE cases SET citation='$citation', category='$category', overview='$overview', facts='$facts', decision='$decision', keywords='$keywords', link='$link' WHERE citation = '%$searchterm%'";
$add = mysql_query($update);



<form action="process.php" method="post"> 
Case Citation: <input type="text" name="citation" size=128><br> 
Category: <input type="text" name = "category" size=56><br> 
Overview: <textarea class="textarea" cols="96" row="8" name = "overview"> </textarea><br> 
Case Facts:  <textarea class="textarea" cols="96" row="8" name = "facts"></textarea><br>
Decision:  <input type="text" name = "decision" size=56><br>
Keywords: <textarea class="textarea" cols="96" row="8" name = "keywords"></textarea><br>
Web Link: <input type="text" name = "link" size=128><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"> 


  mysql_connect("*************", "************", "*********") or die(mysql_error()); 
  mysql_select_db("************") or die(mysql_error()); 
  mysql_query("INSERT INTO `cases` VALUES ('$citation', '$category', '$overview', '$facts', '$decision', '$keywords', '$link')"); 
  Print "Your information has been successfully added to the database.  Add case page will automatically reload."; 



echo "<form action=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']." method=post>" .
     "Case Citation: <input type=text name=Citation value={$row['Citation'] }><br>" .
 "Category: <input type=text name=Category value={$row['Category'] }><br>" . 
 "Overview: <input type=text name=Overview value={$row['Overview'] }><br>" . 
 "Case Facts: <input type=text name=Facts value={$row['Facts'] }><br>" . 
 "Decision: <input type=text name=decision value={$row['Decision'] }><br>" . 
 "Keywords: <input type=text name=Keywords value={$row['Keywords'] }><br>" . 
 "Weblink: <input type=text name=Link value={$row['Link'] }><br>" . 
 "<input type=submit name=submit value=Update>" .

請注意,所有屬性的值都未加引號,因此在 html 中,您的輸入之一可能如下所示:

Decision: <input type=text name=decision value=this is some text from that field><br>

這不是有效的 html。

您應該引用所有值並准備/轉義它們以在 html 中使用:

 'Decision: <input type=text name=decision value="' . htmlspecialchars($row['Decision']) . '"><br>' . 

除此之外,您還有一個 sql 注入問題,您應該通過切換到 PDO(或 mysqli)和帶有綁定變量的准備好的語句來解決該問題。

請注意,sql 注入問題不僅會使您處於危險之中,而且如果您的值之一包含例如'字符,它也很容易使您的 sql 無效。

在 while 循環中檢查 value={$row['Citation'] }。




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