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[英]Calling Objective-C from JavaScript in DashCode

我正在用Dashcode創建一個網站。 我非常了解目標c,但幾乎一點也不了解javascript。 這是一個示例objective-c類:

/* Here is an example .h file, "CircularList.h".
All behavior is inherited from List, which defines a List of objects.
Nowadays we can use NSArray which is more complex than List.

#include <objc/List.h>  /* Superclass interface */

@interface CircularList: List /* List is superclass */
    int currentLocation;

- (NSString *) next; /* Returns next object in List or nil if none.  */ 


/* Here is the corresponding .m file: */
#include "CircularList.h"

@implementation CircularList

- (NSString *) next
    int numObjects = [self count];  
    if (currentLocation >= numObjects)  
        currentLocation = 0;    
    return [self objectAt:currentLocation++];


如何在DashCode中將此類與野生動物園Web應用程序項目連接? 我下一步怎么打電話? 如何將NSString轉換為var,然后將var打印到日志?


我看過開發庫。 如何將目標c類導入到dashcode項目中?


/* Here is an example .h file, "CircularList.h".
All behavior is inherited from List, which defines a List of objects.
Nowadays we can use NSArray which is more complex than List.

#include <objc/List.h> /* Superclass interface */

@interface CircularList: List /* List is superclass */
    int currentLocation;

- (NSString *) next; /* Returns next object in List or nil if none. */ 


/* Here is the corresponding .m file: */
#include "CircularList.h"

@implementation CircularList

- (NSString *) next
int numObjects = [self count]; 
if (currentLocation >= numObjects) 
    currentLocation = 0; 
return [self objectAt:currentLocation++];

+ (NSString *) webScriptNameForSelector:(SEL)sel

if (sel == @selector(nameAtIndex:))
    name = [self next];

return name;

+ (BOOL)isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:(S…
if (sel == @selector(nameAtIndex:)) return NO;
    return YES;

如何將目標c與javascript文件或dashcode項目連接? 目標C類要去哪里(例如與js相同的文件夾)? 什么是將我的函數稱為“下一個”的JavaScript? 以下代碼是做什么的:+(BOOL)isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:(S…{if(sel == @selector(nameAtIndex :))返回NO;返回YES;}


人們(我們,第三方開發人員)無法從Dashcode調用obj-c,或者至少不可能這樣做。 Dashcode是(或曾經)關於可以用javascript編寫的非常簡單的應用程序。

儀表板框架不會加載任何Objective-C可執行文件,因此建立objc-js橋完全由您決定。 我認為這是不可能的。 至少不只使用Dashboard javascript框架。


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